[PDF][PDF] Hucomtech multimodal corpus annotation
K Pápay, S Szeghalmy, I Szekrényes - 2011 - dea.lib.unideb.hu
The Hungarian audio-visual corpus recording and annotation project is being carried out by
the HuComTech (Hungarian Human-Computer Interaction Technologies) research group at …
the HuComTech (Hungarian Human-Computer Interaction Technologies) research group at …
Syllabe Contraction in Spanish dialects and B2 level Hungarian leaners of Spanish
D Kovács - Phonica, 2022 - revistes.ub.edu
Resum En la present investigació, pretenem analitzar el fenomen de la" contracció sil·
làbica", és a dir, la reducció d'una seqüència de dues vocals idèntiques/e/a una de sola …
làbica", és a dir, la reducció d'una seqüència de dues vocals idèntiques/e/a una de sola …
[PDF][PDF] Pausing strategies with regard to speech style
D Gyarmathy, V Horváth - 2019 - researchgate.net
Speech is occasionally interrupted by silent and filled pauses of various length. Pauses
have many different functions in spontaneous speech (eg breathing, marking syntactic …
have many different functions in spontaneous speech (eg breathing, marking syntactic …
[PDF][PDF] Utterance-final glottalization as a cue for familiar speaker recognition
T Bőhm, S Shattuck-Hufnagel - Proceedings of Interspeech 2007, 2007 - Citeseer
Several studies have reported systematic differences across speakers in the rate and type of
intermittent irregular vocal fold vibration (glottalization). Still, it remains an open question …
intermittent irregular vocal fold vibration (glottalization). Still, it remains an open question …
[PDF][PDF] Listeners recognize speakers' habitual utterance final voice quality
T Bőhm, S Shattuck-Hufnagel - Proceedings of the International …, 2007 - researchgate.net
This study tests the hypothesis that, among the other paralinguistic information conveyed by
voice qualities, irregular vocal fold vibration (glottalization) can serve as a cue to speaker …
voice qualities, irregular vocal fold vibration (glottalization) can serve as a cue to speaker …
[PDF][PDF] A néma szünetek sajátosságai óvodások és kisiskolások spontán beszédében
D Gyarmathy, V Horváth - Beszédkutatás, 2018 - academia.edu
Speech is occasionally interrupted by pauses of various lengths that are an essential part of
human speech production. It is currently a matter of debate what exactly can be considered …
human speech production. It is currently a matter of debate what exactly can be considered …
La velocidad de articulación en la enseñanza de ELE
D Kovács - Acta Hispanica, 2020 - iskolakultura.hu
En la presente investigación se analiza la velocidad de articulación, es decir, la rapidez de
la producción de los signos lingüísticos, en el habla semiespontánea. Comparamos la …
la producción de los signos lingüísticos, en el habla semiespontánea. Comparamos la …
Analysis and modeling of speech produced with irregular phonation
TM Bőhm - 2009 - search.proquest.com
The vibration of the vocal folds is usually nearly periodic, or regular. However the vibration
can sometimes become irregular, that can be characterized by cycle-to-cycle abrupt …
can sometimes become irregular, that can be characterized by cycle-to-cycle abrupt …
Prozódiai jellemzők gépi feldolgozása és hasznosítása élőnyelvi korpuszok elemzésében
I Szekrényes - 2019 - search.proquest.com
A disszertációm célja, hogy a beszélt nyelv kutatásához olyan újszerű módszertani
eszközök-kel és kísérletekkel járuljon hozzá, amelyek a beszéd prozódiáját nem csak a …
eszközök-kel és kísérletekkel járuljon hozzá, amelyek a beszéd prozódiáját nem csak a …
Los patrones de pausas y titubeos en cuatro variedades del español y en el habla de estudiantes hungaroparlantes
D Kovács - Acta Hispanica, 2022 - iskolakultura.hu
En el presente estudio, analizamos las diferentes formas de disfluencia, es decir, las pausas
y los titubeos en cuatro variedades del español (madrileño, andaluz, mexicano, rioplatense) …
y los titubeos en cuatro variedades del español (madrileño, andaluz, mexicano, rioplatense) …