StakeRare: using social networks and collaborative filtering for large-scale requirements elicitation
Requirements elicitation is the software engineering activity in which stakeholder needs are
understood. It involves identifying and prioritizing requirements—a process difficult to scale …
understood. It involves identifying and prioritizing requirements—a process difficult to scale …
A journey to highly dynamic, self-adaptive service-based applications
Future software systems will operate in a highly dynamic world. Systems will need to operate
correctly despite of unespected changes in factors such as environmental conditions, user …
correctly despite of unespected changes in factors such as environmental conditions, user …
Real time hand tracking by combining particle filtering and mean shift
Particle filter and mean shift are two successful approaches taken in the pursuit of robust
tracking. Both of them have their respective strengths and weaknesses. In this paper, we …
tracking. Both of them have their respective strengths and weaknesses. In this paper, we …
Requirements reconciliation for scalable and secure microservice (de) composition
M Ahmadvand, A Ibrahim - 2016 IEEE 24th International …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Traditional monolithic services fail to scale efficiently when a certain task within the service is
flooded. They also have a long software release cycle due to the system complexity …
flooded. They also have a long software release cycle due to the system complexity …
Issues and challenges of requirement engineering in service oriented software development
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a shift of paradigm in software development. It can be
seen as an evolution of Component Based Software Development (CBSD), with web …
seen as an evolution of Component Based Software Development (CBSD), with web …
Computed torque for the position control of open-chain flexible robots
E Bayo - Proceedings. 1988 IEEE International Conference on …, 1988 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A technique is presented for the solution of the inverse dynamics of open-chain flexible
robots. The proposed method finds the joint torques necessary to produce a specified end …
robots. The proposed method finds the joint torques necessary to produce a specified end …
Sco** the potential of monitoring and control technologies to reduce energy use in homes
This sco** study takes a broad look at how Information Technology-enabled monitoring
and control systems in residences could play a role in mitigating energy use. Managing the …
and control systems in residences could play a role in mitigating energy use. Managing the …
Inventing requirements from software: An empirical investigation with web services
K Zachos, N Maiden - 2008 16th IEEE International …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Service-centric software systems offer new opportunities for requirements processes. This
paper reports a new tool designed to increase the completeness of system requirements …
paper reports a new tool designed to increase the completeness of system requirements …
The algebra of security
J McLean - Proceedings. 1988 IEEE Symposium on Security and …, 1988 - computer.org
Portals are platforms combining services from various sources for various user groups.
Service bundling from marketing can serve as a new way to enable mass customization of …
Service bundling from marketing can serve as a new way to enable mass customization of …
[PDF][PDF] Social networks and collaborative filtering for large-scale requirements elicitation
SL Lim - 2010 - unsworks.unsw.edu.au
Within the field of software engineering, requirements elicitation is the activity in which
stakeholder needs are understood. In large-scale software projects, requirements elicitation …
stakeholder needs are understood. In large-scale software projects, requirements elicitation …