A consolidated perspective on multimicrophone speech enhancement and source separation

S Gannot, E Vincent… - … /ACM Transactions on …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Speech enhancement and separation are core problems in audio signal processing, with
commercial applications in devices as diverse as mobile phones, conference call systems …

Sound source localization and isolation apparatuses, methods and systems

A Alexandridis, A Griffin, A Mouchtaris - US Patent 9,549,253, 2017 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A processor-implemented method for spatial Sound local ization and
isolation is described. The method includes segmenting, via a processor, each of a plurality …

A geometrically constrained independent vector analysis algorithm for online source extraction

AH Khan, M Taseska, EAP Habets - International Conference on Latent …, 2015 - Springer
In this paper, an online constrained independent vector analysis (IVA) algorithm that extracts
the desired speech signal given the direction of arrival (DOA) of the desired source and the …

Array geometry optimization for region-of-interest broadband beamforming

Y Konforti, I Cohen, B Berdugo - 2022 International Workshop …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Optimization of a microphone array geometry has an important impact on the beamforming
performance. Though the environment settings may change in time, microphone locations …

Dual input neural networks for positional sound source localization

E Grinstein, VW Neo, PA Naylor - … Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music …, 2023 - Springer
In many signal processing applications, metadata may be advantageously used in
conjunction with a high dimensional signal to produce a desired output. In the case of …

Spotforming: Spatial filtering with distributed arrays for position-selective sound acquisition

M Taseska, EAP Habets - IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Hands-free capture of speech often requires extraction of sources from a certain spot of
interest (SOI), while reducing interferers and background noise. Although state-of-the-art …

The ray space transform: A new framework for wave field processing

L Bianchi, F Antonacci, A Sarti… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Soundfield imaging is a special analysis methodology aimed at capturing the directional
components of the acoustic field and map** them onto a domain called “ray space”, where …

Two model-based EM algorithms for blind source separation in noisy environments

B Schwartz, S Gannot… - IEEE/ACM Transactions on …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The problem of blind separation of speech signals in the presence of noise using multiple
microphones is addressed. Blind estimation of the acoustic parameters and the individual …

Sound source characterization apparatuses, methods and systems

D Pavlidi, A Griffin, A Mouchtaris - US Patent 9,554,203, 2017 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A processor-implemented method for Sound characterization is described.
In one implementation, time-frequency trans form of each of a plurality of sound signals from …

Spatial sound characterization apparatuses, methods and systems

A Alexandridis, A Griffin, A Mouchtaris - US Patent 9,955,277, 2018 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A processor-implemented method for spatial sound charac terization is
described. In one implementation, each of a plurality of source signals detected by a plurality …