Buckling and postbuckling response of nonlocal strain gradient porous functionally graded micro/nano-plates via NURBS-based isogeometric analysis
The prime objective of the present investigation is to analyze the nonlinear buckling and
postbuckling characteristics of micro/nano-plates made of a porous functionally graded …
postbuckling characteristics of micro/nano-plates made of a porous functionally graded …
Higher-order modeling of anisogrid composite lattice structures with complex geometries
The work investigates the vibration behaviour of anisogrid composite lattice shell structures,
typically formed by a system of geodesic unidirectional composite ribs. A homogenization …
typically formed by a system of geodesic unidirectional composite ribs. A homogenization …
Variational formulations, model comparisons and numerical methods for Euler–Bernoulli micro-and nano-beam models
As a first step, variational formulations and governing equations with boundary conditions
are derived for a pair of Euler–Bernoulli beam bending models following a simplified version …
are derived for a pair of Euler–Bernoulli beam bending models following a simplified version …
Anisotropic strain gradient thermoelasticity for cellular structures: Plate models, homogenization and isogeometric analysis
For three-dimensional cellular plate-like structures with a triangular (extruded lattice)
microarchitecture, the article develops a pair of two-scale plate models relying on the …
microarchitecture, the article develops a pair of two-scale plate models relying on the …
Three-point bending test of pantographic blocks: numerical and experimental investigation
The equilibrium forms of pantographic blocks in a three-point bending test are investigated
via both experiments and numerical simulations. In the computational part, the …
via both experiments and numerical simulations. In the computational part, the …
Isogeometric analysis for sixth-order boundary value problems of gradient-elastic Kirchhoff plates
Sixth-order boundary value problems of a one-parameter gradient-elastic Kirchhoff plate
model are formulated in a weak form within an H 3 Sobolev space setting with the …
model are formulated in a weak form within an H 3 Sobolev space setting with the …
Higher order finite element models for transient analysis of strain gradient functionally graded microplates
In the study, three different higher order finite element models (HOFEMs) are developed to
perform the transient analysis of functionally graded (FG) microplates subjected to different …
perform the transient analysis of functionally graded (FG) microplates subjected to different …
Locking-free variational formulations and isogeometric analysis for the Timoshenko beam models of strain gradient and classical elasticity
The Timoshenko beam bending problem is formulated in the context of strain gradient
elasticity for both static and dynamic analysis. Two non-standard variational formulations in …
elasticity for both static and dynamic analysis. Two non-standard variational formulations in …
Variational formulation and isogeometric analysis for fourth-order boundary value problems of gradient-elastic bar and plane strain/stress problems
The fourth-order boundary value problems of one parameter gradient-elastic bar and plane
strain/stress models are formulated in a variational form within an H 2 Sobolev space setting …
strain/stress models are formulated in a variational form within an H 2 Sobolev space setting …
A nonlinear Lagrangian particle model for grains assemblies including grain relative rotations
We formulate a discrete Lagrangian model for a set of interacting grains, which is purely
elastic. The considered degrees of freedom for each grain include placement of barycenter …
elastic. The considered degrees of freedom for each grain include placement of barycenter …