Foundations of SPARQL query optimization

M Schmidt, M Meier, G Lausen - … of the 13th international conference on …, 2010 -
We study fundamental aspects related to the efficient processing of the SPARQL query
language for RDF, proposed by the W3C to encode machine-readable information in the …

Foundations of semantic web databases

C Gutierrez, C Hurtado, AO Mendelzon - Proceedings of the twenty-third …, 2004 -
The Semantic Web is based on the idea of adding more machine-readable semantics to
web information via annotations written in a language called the Resource Description …

An empirical survey of linked data conformance

A Hogan, J Umbrich, A Harth, R Cyganiak… - Journal of Web …, 2012 - Elsevier
There has been a recent, tangible growth in RDF published on the Web in accordance with
the Linked Data principles and best practices, the result of which has been dubbed the “Web …

Searching and browsing linked data with swse: The semantic web search engine

A Hogan, A Harth, J Umbrich, S Kinsella… - Journal of web …, 2011 - Elsevier
In this paper, we discuss the architecture and implementation of the Semantic Web Search
Engine (SWSE). Following traditional search engine architecture, SWSE consists of …

RDF 1.1: Knowledge representation and data integration language for the Web

D Tomaszuk, D Hyland-Wood - Symmetry, 2020 -
Resource Description Framework (RDF) can seen as a solution in today's landscape of
knowledge representation research. An RDF language has symmetrical features because …

nSPARQL: A navigational language for RDF

J Pérez, M Arenas, C Gutierrez - Journal of Web Semantics, 2010 - Elsevier
Navigational features have been largely recognized as fundamental for graph database
query languages. This fact has motivated several authors to propose RDF query languages …

Querying semantic web data with SPARQL

M Arenas, J Pérez - Proceedings of the thirtieth ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT …, 2011 -
The Semantic Web is the initiative of the W3C to make information on the Web readable not
only by humans but also by machines. RDF is the data model for Semantic Web data, and …

A general framework for representing, reasoning and querying with annotated semantic web data

A Zimmermann, N Lopes, A Polleres… - Journal of Web Semantics, 2012 - Elsevier
We describe a generic framework for representing and reasoning with annotated Semantic
Web data, a task becoming more important with the recent increased amount of inconsistent …

Extending SPARQL with regular expression patterns (for querying RDF)

F Alkhateeb, JF Baget, J Euzenat - Journal of web semantics, 2009 - Elsevier
RDF is a knowledge representation language dedicated to the annotation of resources
within the framework of the semantic web. Among the query languages for RDF, SPARQL …

Rapid prototy** of semantic mash-ups through semantic web pipes

D Le-Phuoc, A Polleres, M Hauswirth… - Proceedings of the 18th …, 2009 -
The use of RDF data published on the Web for applications is still a cumbersome and
resource-intensive task due to the limited software support and the lack of standard …