Norms: An integrated framework

C Horne, S Mollborn - Annual Review of Sociology, 2020 -
Norms are a foundational concept in sociology. Following a period of skepticism about
norms as overly deterministic and as paying too little attention to social conflict, inequalities …

Beyond altruism: Sociological foundations of cooperation and prosocial behavior

B Simpson, R Willer - Annual Review of Sociology, 2015 -
In explaining the sources of cooperation and prosocial behavior, psychologists, behavioral
economists, and biologists often focus on factors internal to the individual, such as altruistic …

Leadership solves collective action problems in small-scale societies

L Glowacki, C von Rueden - … Transactions of the Royal …, 2015 -
Observation of leadership in small-scale societies offers unique insights into the evolution of
human collective action and the origins of sociopolitical complexity. Using behavioural data …

A solution to the collective action problem in between-group conflict with within-group inequality

S Gavrilets, L Fortunato - Nature communications, 2014 -
Conflict with conspecifics from neighbouring groups over territory, mating opportunities and
other resources is observed in many social organisms, including humans. Here we …

Collective action problem in heterogeneous groups

S Gavrilets - … Transactions of the Royal Society B …, 2015 -
I review the theoretical and experimental literature on the collective action problem in groups
whose members differ in various characteristics affecting individual costs, benefits and …

Reputation effects drive the joint evolution of cooperation and social rewarding

S Pal, C Hilbe - Nature Communications, 2022 -
People routinely cooperate with each other, even when cooperation is costly. To further
encourage such pro-social behaviors, recipients often respond by providing additional …

Moral labels increase cooperation and costly punishment in a Prisoner's Dilemma game with punishment option

L Mieth, A Buchner, R Bell - Scientific Reports, 2021 -
To determine the role of moral norms in cooperation and punishment, we examined the
effects of a moral-framing manipulation in a Prisoner's Dilemma game with a costly …

Democratic decisions establish stable authorities that overcome the paradox of second-order punishment

C Hilbe, A Traulsen, T Röhl, M Milinski - Proceedings of the National …, 2014 -
Individuals usually punish free riders but refuse to sanction those who cooperate but do not
punish. This missing second-order peer punishment is a fundamental problem for the …

Evolution of public cooperation in a monitored society with implicated punishment and within-group enforcement

X Chen, T Sasaki, M Perc - Scientific Reports, 2015 -
Monitoring with implicated punishment is common in human societies to avert freeriding on
common goods. But is it effective in promoting public cooperation? We show that the …

[HTML][HTML] Sanctions as honest signals–The evolution of pool punishment by public sanctioning institutions

S Schoenmakers, C Hilbe, B Blasius… - Journal of Theoretical …, 2014 - Elsevier
In many species, mutual cooperation is stabilized by forms of policing and peer punishment:
if cheaters are punished, there is a strong selective pressure to cooperate. Most human …