A review for numerical simulation methods of ship–ice interaction

Y Xue, R Liu, Z Li, D Han - Ocean Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper represents the state-of-the-art in the field of ice tank numerical simulation
methods. It gives a comprehensive review of existing commercial and prototype numerical …

Research trends in ice mechanics

JP Dempsey - International journal of solids and structures, 2000 - Elsevier
In sea ice geophysics, the formulation and implementation of a continuum anisotropic ice
dynamics model is required in order to increase the spatial resolution of the Polar Ice …

Mechanics of ice–structure interaction

IJ Jordaan - Engineering fracture mechanics, 2001 - Elsevier
The physical processes involved in the interaction of ice masses with offshore structures are
described. For design purposes, two pressure-area relationships have been deduced, which …

Scale effects on the in-situ tensile strength and fracture of ice. Part II: First-year sea ice at Resolute, NWT

JP Dempsey, RM Adamson, SV Mulmule - International journal of fracture, 1999 - Springer
A set of lab-to structural-scale 0.5< L< 80 m) in-situ full thickness (1.8 m) fracture tests were
conducted on first-year sea ice at Resolute, NWT using self-similar (plan view) edge-cracked …

Simulating ice-slo** structure interactions with the cohesive element method

W Lu, R Lubbad, S Løset - Journal of …, 2014 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
The major processes that occur when level ice interacts with slo** structures (especially
wide structures) are the fracturing of ice and upcoming ice fragments accumulating around …

A new constitutive equation on ice materials

ST Ince, A Kumar, JK Paik - Ships and Offshore Structures, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
The structural crashworthiness analysis involving buckling, plasticity, crushing, and fracture
with the strain-rate effects is required to evaluate the characteristics of structural …

Numerical study of ship hydrodynamics on ice resistance during ice sheet breaking

J Kim, DH Yoon, J Choung - Ocean Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
For icebreakers to navigate polar routes, the ability to break through ice sheet is extremely
important. To quantify this, technology that can estimate the mechanical behaviors of ice and …

In-plane fracture of an ice floe: A theoretical study on the splitting failure mode

W Lu, R Lubbad, S Løset - Cold Regions Science and Technology, 2015 - Elsevier
In practical offshore structure/icebreaker designs, it is critical to capture the salient failure
modes of the ice feature. The dominant failure modes are influenced by the structural …

Fracture of an ice floe: Local out-of-plane flexural failures versus global in-plane splitting failure

W Lu, R Lubbad, S Løset, M Kashafutdinov - Cold Regions Science and …, 2016 - Elsevier
Slo** structures have gained increasing interests in recent years due to their capability of
breaking the incoming level ice in a dominant bending failure mode. However,'level ice'is a …

Scale effects on the in-situ tensile strength and fracture of ice. Part I: Large grained freshwater ice at Spray Lakes Reservoir, Alberta

JP Dempsey, SJ Defranco, RM Adamson, SV Mulmule - Fracture scaling, 1999 - Springer
At lab-scale, issues such as inhomogeneity and polycrystallinity are especially important to
the fracture of S1 freshwater ice. S1 freshwater ice is typically composed of large grains with …