Detecting unknown encrypted malicious traffic in real time via flow interaction graph analysis
In this paper, we propose HyperVision, a realtime unsupervised machine learning (ML)
based malicious traffic detection system. Particularly, HyperVision is able to detect unknown …
based malicious traffic detection system. Particularly, HyperVision is able to detect unknown …
{FlowBlaze}: Stateful packet processing in hardware
Programmable NICs allow for better scalability to handle growing network workloads,
however, providing an expressive, yet simple, abstraction to program stateful network …
however, providing an expressive, yet simple, abstraction to program stateful network …
Dns cache poisoning attack reloaded: Revolutions with side channels
In this paper, we report a series of flaws in the software stack that leads to a strong revival of
DNS cache poisoning---a classic attack which is mitigated in practice with simple and …
DNS cache poisoning---a classic attack which is mitigated in practice with simple and …
Peeking into your app without actually seeing it:{UI} state inference and novel android attacks
The security of smartphone GUI frameworks remains an important yet under-scrutinized
topic. In this paper, we report that on the Android system (and likely other OSes), a weaker …
topic. In this paper, we report that on the Android system (and likely other OSes), a weaker …
ENDEMIC: End-to-End Network Disruptions-Examining Middleboxes, Issues, and Countermeasures-A Survey
Network middleboxes are important components in modern networking systems, impacting
approximately 40% of network paths according to recent studies [1]. This survey paper …
approximately 40% of network paths according to recent studies [1]. This survey paper …
Dns cache poisoning attack: Resurrections with side channels
DNS is one of the fundamental and ancient protocols on the Internet that supports many
network applications and services. Unfortunately, DNS was designed without security in …
network applications and services. Unfortunately, DNS was designed without security in …
Off-path hacking: The illusion of challenge-response authentication
Everyone is concerned about Internet security, yet most traffic isn't cryptographically
protected. The typical justification is that most attackers are off path and can't intercept traffic; …
protected. The typical justification is that most attackers are off path and can't intercept traffic; …
TCP spoofing: Reliable payload transmission past the spoofed TCP handshake
Y Pan, C Rossow - 2024 IEEE Symposium on Security and …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
TCP spoofing—the attack to establish an IP-spoofed TCP connection by bruteforcing a 32-bit
server-chosen initial sequence number (ISN)—has been known for decades. However, TCP …
server-chosen initial sequence number (ISN)—has been known for decades. However, TCP …
Insecurity of voice solution VoLTE in LTE mobile networks
VoLTE (Voice-over-LTE) is the designated voice solution to the LTE mobile network, and its
worldwide deployment is underway. It reshapes call services from the traditional circuit …
worldwide deployment is underway. It reshapes call services from the traditional circuit …
Off-path TCP exploits of the mixed IPID assignment
In this paper, we uncover a new off-path TCP hijacking attack that can be used to terminate
victim TCP connections or inject forged data into victim TCP connections by manipulating …
victim TCP connections or inject forged data into victim TCP connections by manipulating …