Business process management: a comprehensive survey

WMP Van der Aalst - International Scholarly Research Notices, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Business Process Management (BPM) research resulted in a plethora of methods,
techniques, and tools to support the design, enactment, management, and analysis of …

[HTML][HTML] The biggest business process management problems to solve before we die

I Beerepoot, C Di Ciccio, HA Reijers, S Rinderle-Ma… - Computers in …, 2023 - Elsevier
It may be tempting for researchers to stick to incremental extensions of their current work to
plan future research activities. Yet there is also merit in realizing the grand challenges in …

[КНИГА][B] Data science in action

W Van Der Aalst, W van der Aalst - 2016 - Springer
In recent years, data science emerged as a new and important discipline. It can be viewed
as an amalgamation of classical disciplines like statistics, data mining, databases, and …

Process mining

W Van Der Aalst - Communications of the ACM, 2012 -
Process mining Page 1 76 CoMMuniCAtionS oF thE ACM | AuguST 2012 | vOL. 55 | NO. 8
contributed articles Doi:10.1145/2240236.2240257 Using real event data to X-ray business …

Workflow mining: Discovering process models from event logs

W Van der Aalst, T Weijters… - IEEE transactions on …, 2004 -
Contemporary workflow management systems are driven by explicit process models, ie, a
completely specified workflow design is required in order to enact a given workflow process …

Workflow patterns

WMP van Der Aalst, AHM Ter Hofstede… - Distributed and parallel …, 2003 - Springer
Differences in features supported by the various contemporary commercial workflow
management systems point to different insights of suitability and different levels of …

[КНИГА][B] Web services

G Alonso, F Casati, H Kuno, V Machiraju, G Alonso… - 2004 - Springer
In previous chapters we have discussed the architecture of information systems (Chapter 1),
middleware and enterprise application integration (Chapters 2 and 3), and the basics of …

YAWL: yet another workflow language

WMP Van Der Aalst, AHM Ter Hofstede - Information systems, 2005 - Elsevier
Based on a rigorous analysis of existing workflow management systems and workflow
languages, a new workflow language is proposed: yet another workflow language (YAWL) …

Business process mining: An industrial application

WMP Van Der Aalst, HA Reijers, AJMM Weijters… - Information systems, 2007 - Elsevier
Contemporary information systems (eg, WfM, ERP, CRM, SCM, and B2B systems) record
business events in so-called event logs. Business process mining takes these logs to …