[HTML][HTML] Metabolomics and multi-omics integration: a survey of computational methods and resources
As researchers are increasingly able to collect data on a large scale from multiple clinical
and omics modalities, multi-omics integration is becoming a critical component of …
and omics modalities, multi-omics integration is becoming a critical component of …
Avoiding common pitfalls when clustering biological data
Clustering is an unsupervised learning method, which groups data points based on
similarity, and is used to reveal the underlying structure of data. This computational …
similarity, and is used to reveal the underlying structure of data. This computational …
[HTML][HTML] A deep learning approach to antibiotic discovery
Due to the rapid emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, there is a growing need to
discover new antibiotics. To address this challenge, we trained a deep neural network …
discover new antibiotics. To address this challenge, we trained a deep neural network …
[ספר][B] Practical multivariate analysis
A Afifi, S May, R Donatello, VA Clark - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This is the sixth edition of a popular textbook on multivariate analysis. Well-regarded for its
practical and accessible approach, with excellent examples and good guidance on …
practical and accessible approach, with excellent examples and good guidance on …
A systematic comparative evaluation of biclustering techniques
Background Biclustering techniques are capable of simultaneously clustering rows and
columns of a data matrix. These techniques became very popular for the analysis of gene …
columns of a data matrix. These techniques became very popular for the analysis of gene …
Population structure discovery in meta-analyzed microbial communities and inflammatory bowel disease using MMUPHin
Microbiome studies of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) have achieved a scale for meta-
analysis of dysbioses among populations. To enable microbial community meta-analyses …
analysis of dysbioses among populations. To enable microbial community meta-analyses …
Characterisation of cell lines derived from prostate cancer patients with localised disease
Background Prostate cancer is a broad-spectrum disease, spanning from indolent to a
highly aggressive lethal malignancy. Prostate cancer cell lines are essential tools to …
highly aggressive lethal malignancy. Prostate cancer cell lines are essential tools to …
Toward kingdom-wide analyses of gene expression
Gene expression data for Archaeplastida are accumulating exponentially, with more than
300 000 RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) experiments available for hundreds of species. The …
300 000 RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) experiments available for hundreds of species. The …
Hyperbolic diffusion embedding and distance for hierarchical representation learning
Finding meaningful representations and distances of hierarchical data is important in many
fields. This paper presents a new method for hierarchical data embedding and distance. Our …
fields. This paper presents a new method for hierarchical data embedding and distance. Our …
Heterogeneous data integration methods for patient similarity networks
Patient similarity networks (PSNs), where patients are represented as nodes and their
similarities as weighted edges, are being increasingly used in clinical research. These …
similarities as weighted edges, are being increasingly used in clinical research. These …