[HTML][HTML] Archaea biotechnology

K Pfeifer, İ Ergal, M Koller, M Basen, B Schuster… - Biotechnology …, 2021‏ - Elsevier
Archaea are a domain of prokaryotic organisms with intriguing physiological characteristics
and ecological importance. In Microbial Biotechnology, archaea are historically …

Recent advances in the field of bionanotechnology: An insight into optoelectric bacteriorhodopsin, quantum dots, and noble metal nanoclusters

C Knoblauch, M Griep, C Friedrich - Sensors, 2014‏ - mdpi.com
Molecular sensors and molecular electronics are a major component of a recent research
area known as bionanotechnology, which merges biology with nanotechnology. This new …

Semiconductor/biomolecular composites for solar energy applications

C Li, F Wang, CY Jimmy - Energy & Environmental Science, 2011‏ - pubs.rsc.org
Solar energy is the world's most abundant renewable energy source. It has great potential to
replace the depleting fossil fuels to power our society. Current photovoltaic and …

Engineering a robust photovoltaic device with quantum dots and bacteriorhodopsin

V Renugopalakrishnan, B Barbiellini… - The Journal of …, 2014‏ - ACS Publications
We present a route toward a radical improvement in solar cell efficiency using resonant
energy transfer and sensitization of semiconductor metal oxides with a light-harvesting …

Study on the feasibility of bacteriorhodopsin as bio-photosensitizer in excitonic solar cell: a first report

V Thavasi, T Lazarova, S Filipek… - … of nanoscience and …, 2009‏ - ingentaconnect.com
Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is a membrane protein found in the archae Halobacterium
salinarum. Here, we studied wild type bR and especially the triple mutant bR, 3Glu …

Hybrid Wiring of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides Reaction Center for Applications in Bio-photoelectrochemical Solar Cells

H Yaghoubi, Z Li, D Jun, E Lafalce… - The Journal of …, 2014‏ - ACS Publications
The growing demand for nonfossil fuel-based energy production has drawn attention to the
utilization of natural proteins such as photosynthetic reaction center (RC) protein complexes …

Facile isolation of purple membrane from Halobacterium salinarum via aqueous-two-phase system

PJ Shiu, YH Ju, HM Chen, CK Lee - Protein expression and purification, 2013‏ - Elsevier
Purple membrane (PM) is a part of cytoplasmic membrane in certain extreme halophilic
microorganisms belonging to Domain Archaea. It transduces light energy to generate proton …

The directed cooperative assembly of proteorhodopsin into 2D and 3D polarized arrays

H Liang, G Whited, C Nguyen, GD Stucky - Proceedings of the National …, 2007‏ - pnas.org
Proteorhodopsin is the membrane protein used by marine bacterioplankton as a light-driven
proton pump. Here, we describe a rapid cooperative assembly process directed by universal …

Functionally active membrane proteins incorporated in mesostructured silica films

JP Jahnke, MN Idso, S Hussain, MJN Junk… - Journal of the …, 2018‏ - ACS Publications
A versatile synthetic protocol is reported that allows high concentrations of functionally active
membrane proteins to be incorporated in mesostructured silica materials. Judicious …

Controlling transmembrane protein concentration and orientation in supported lipid bilayers

P Bao, ML Cartron, KH Sheikh, BRG Johnson… - Chemical …, 2017‏ - pubs.rsc.org
The trans-membrane protein–proteorhodopsin (pR) has been incorporated into supported
lipid bilayers (SLB). In-plane electric fields have been used to manipulate the orientation …