High-repetition-rate attosecond extreme ultraviolet beamlines at eli alps for studying ultrafast phenomena
Advancements in light engineering have led to the creation of pulsed laser sources capable
of delivering high-repetition-rate, high-power few-cycle laser pulses across a wide spectral …
of delivering high-repetition-rate, high-power few-cycle laser pulses across a wide spectral …
Non-linear processes in the extreme ultraviolet
Recent developments in extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and x-ray radiation sources have pushed
pulse energies and durations to unprecedented levels that opened up the era of non-linear …
pulse energies and durations to unprecedented levels that opened up the era of non-linear …
Fabrication of micrometre-sized periodic gratings in free-standing metallic foils for laser–plasma experiments
CC Gheorghiu, M Cerchez, E Aktan… - High Power Laser …, 2022 - cambridge.org
Engineered targets are expected to play a key role in future high-power laser experiments
calling for joined, extensive knowledge in materials properties, engineering techniques and …
calling for joined, extensive knowledge in materials properties, engineering techniques and …
High repetition rate relativistic laser–solid–plasma interaction platform featuring simultaneous particle and radiation detection
We report on a uniquely designed high repetition rate relativistic laser–solid–plasma
interaction platform, featuring the first simultaneous measurement of emitted high-order …
interaction platform, featuring the first simultaneous measurement of emitted high-order …
Intense isolated attosecond pulses from two-color few-cycle laser driven relativistic surface plasma
Ultrafast plasma dynamics play a pivotal role in the relativistic high harmonic generation, a
phenomenon that can give rise to intense light fields of attosecond duration. Controlling …
phenomenon that can give rise to intense light fields of attosecond duration. Controlling …
Diagnosis of fast electron transport by coherent transition radiation
Y Liu, X Ning, D Wu, T Liang, P Liu, S Liu… - New Journal of …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
Transport of fast electrons in overdense plasmas is of key importance in high energy density
physics. However, it is challenging to diagnose the fast electron transport in experiments. In …
physics. However, it is challenging to diagnose the fast electron transport in experiments. In …
[PDF][PDF] Fabrication of micron-sized periodic gratings in free-standing metallic foils for laser-plasma experiments
CC Gheorghiu, M Cerchez, E Aktan, R Prasad… - researching.cn
Engineered targets are expected to play a key role in the future high-power laser
experiments calling for a joined, extensive knowledge in materials properties, engineering …
experiments calling for a joined, extensive knowledge in materials properties, engineering …
Light-induced Floquet states with few-femtosecond pulses
M Talarico - 2020 - politesi.polimi.it
Floquet theory was introduced to aid the study of periodical systems. A laser im**ing onto
a material is able to provide this periodicity. Yet, some applications such as ultrafast pump …
a material is able to provide this periodicity. Yet, some applications such as ultrafast pump …