Anthropogenic nitrogen pollution threats and challenges to the health of South Asian coral reefs
Nitrogen pollution is a widespread and growing problem in the coastal waters of South Asia
yet the ecological impacts on the region's coral ecosystems are currently poorly known and …
yet the ecological impacts on the region's coral ecosystems are currently poorly known and …
[HTML][HTML] Critical review and conceptual and quantitative models for the transfer and depuration of ciguatoxins in fishes
MJ Holmes, B Venables, RJ Lewis - Toxins, 2021 - mdpi.com
We review and develop conceptual models for the bio-transfer of ciguatoxins in food chains
for Platypus Bay and the Great Barrier Reef on the east coast of Australia. Platypus Bay is …
for Platypus Bay and the Great Barrier Reef on the east coast of Australia. Platypus Bay is …
Antifouling coatings can reduce algal growth while preserving coral settlement
In the early stages after larval settlement, coral spat can be rapidly overgrown and
outcompeted by algae, reducing overall survival for coral reef replenishment and supply for …
outcompeted by algae, reducing overall survival for coral reef replenishment and supply for …
Nutrient pollution alters the gut microbiome of a territorial reef fish
Human-induced nutrient pollution threatens coral reefs worldwide. Although eutrophication
disrupts coral microbiomes, often leading to coral mortality, it is unknown whether …
disrupts coral microbiomes, often leading to coral mortality, it is unknown whether …
Responses of the coral reef cryptobiome to environmental gradients in the Red Sea
An essential component of the coral reef animal diversity is the species hidden in crevices
within the reef matrix, referred to as the cryptobiome. These organisms play an important …
within the reef matrix, referred to as the cryptobiome. These organisms play an important …
Unexpected role of communities colonizing dead coral substrate in the calcification of coral reefs
Global and local anthropogenic stressors such as climate change, acidification, overfishing,
and pollution are expected to shift the benthic community composition of coral reefs from …
and pollution are expected to shift the benthic community composition of coral reefs from …
[HTML][HTML] First record of red-tide in Elba protectorate coast using Sentinel-3 and its impacts on ecosystem
This study is the first to document an algal bloom caused by Noctiluca scintillans, which was
detected using remote sensing techniques and confirmed in the field along the coast of Elba …
detected using remote sensing techniques and confirmed in the field along the coast of Elba …
Inter-annual variability patterns of reef cryptobiota in the central Red Sea across a shelf gradient
The combination of molecular tools, standard surveying techniques, and long-term
monitoring programs are relevant to understanding environmental and ecological changes …
monitoring programs are relevant to understanding environmental and ecological changes …
The widely distributed soft coral Xenia umbellata exhibits high resistance against phosphate enrichment and temperature increase
Both global and local factors affect coral reefs worldwide, sometimes simultaneously. An
interplay of these factors can lead to phase shifts from hard coral dominance to algae or …
interplay of these factors can lead to phase shifts from hard coral dominance to algae or …
Nitrogen fixation and denitrification activity differ between coral-and algae-dominated Red Sea reefs
Coral reefs experience phase shifts from coral-to algae-dominated benthic communities,
which could affect the interplay between processes introducing and removing bioavailable …
which could affect the interplay between processes introducing and removing bioavailable …