[HTML][HTML] Reflexos da pandemia do Covid-19 nos custos de aquisição de insumos agrícolas: uma investigação empírica com o uso da metodologia Total Cost of …

M Lizot, PSLP Afonso, F Trojan, TF Mattei… - Revista de Economia e …, 2023 - SciELO Brasil
A doença Covid19, resultante da contaminação pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2, causou efeitos na
economia, sobretudo no setor agrícola, que se tornou mais suscetível à elevação de custos …

Performance of local and local x improved chicken crosses under semi-intensive management system in Northern Uganda

S Ochora, JS Kasima, WM Okot… - Cogent Food & …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Despite the efforts to improve Uganda's chicken production through crossbreeding, limited
research has been conducted to establish the performance of local x improved chicken …

Impact of COVID-19 on poultry market in Bangladesh

MR Amin, GMM Alam, MT Parvin, DC Acharjee - Heliyon, 2023 - cell.com
As a result of COVID-19 spread, Bangladesh implemented a range of measures including
general holidays, lockdown, no lockdown, and strict lockdown which resulted in the dramatic …

Economic Analysis of Poultry Farming Using ANN Approach in the Rainfed Areas of Jammu Region of South Asia

V Bhagat, S Dwivedi - Agricultural Research, 2024 - Springer
India's growth story is not in consonance with that of the development. Agriculture is non-
remunerative in India, and the situation turns out to be lot grimmer if we take into account the …

[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of Kartepe Village Production Patterns and Farmer Profiles

ET Kayabaşı, Ş Çelik, AE Demirtaş - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
The aim of this study was to provide necessary agricultural extension support while carrying
out agricultural activities by revealing the production patterns and farmer profiles in the …

Assessment of knowledge and attitude of peri-urban farmers towards COVID-19

J Rohit, G Nirmala, K Nagasree, GS Reddy… - 2022 - indianjournals.com
The COVID-19 outbreak affects all segments of the population and is particularly detrimental
to members of those social groups in the most vulnerable situations. The restrictions …

Community Perception of Biogas Production from Cacao Waste

BV Arumsari, AW Utami, MR Harun - Agro Ekonomi - journal.ugm.ac.id
Indonesia can use bioenergy to meet its renewable energy consumption target. Community
perception must be known when designing communication strategies or policies regarding …

[PDF][PDF] Master of Veterinary Science

NS Sreedharan - 2004 - krishikosh.egranth.ac.in
Department of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Science and Animal ilusbandi-y
Anand Agricultural University Anand-388001 (Gujarat) On screening of 2618 dogs brought …

[CITÁCIA][C] An exploration of awareness and causes of financial distress of poultry farmers in the North West Province

PH Mfulwane - 2023 - North-West University (South Africa)