A review of music and emotion studies: Approaches, emotion models, and stimuli
The field of music and emotion research has grown rapidly and diversified during the last
decade. This has led to a certain degree of confusion and inconsistency between competing …
decade. This has led to a certain degree of confusion and inconsistency between competing …
Communication of emotions in vocal expression and music performance: Different channels, same code?
Many authors have speculated about a close relationship between vocal expression of
emotions and musical expression of emotions, but evidence bearing on this relationship has …
emotions and musical expression of emotions, but evidence bearing on this relationship has …
[КНИГА][B] Handbook of music and emotion: Theory, research, applications
Music's ability to express and arouse emotions is a mystery that has fascinated both experts
and laymen at least since ancient Greece. The predecessor to this book'Music and …
and laymen at least since ancient Greece. The predecessor to this book'Music and …
[КНИГА][B] The singing Neanderthals: The origins of music, language, mind, and body
SJ Mithen - 2006 - books.google.com
The propensity to make music is the most mysterious, wonderful, and neglected feature of
humankind: this is where Steven Mithen began, drawing together strands from archaeology …
humankind: this is where Steven Mithen began, drawing together strands from archaeology …
Expression, perception, and induction of musical emotions: A review and a questionnaire study of everyday listening
In this article, we provide an up-to-date overview of theory and research concerning
expression, perception, and induction of emotion in music. We also provide a critique of this …
expression, perception, and induction of emotion in music. We also provide a critique of this …
[КНИГА][B] Music and emotion: Theory and research
PN Juslin, JA Sloboda - 2001 - academic.oup.com
The position of emotion in music has been a subject of considerable interest and debate.
However emotional aspects of music have received surprising little attention in the 45 years …
However emotional aspects of music have received surprising little attention in the 45 years …
[КНИГА][B] Embodied music cognition and mediation technology
M Leman - 2007 - books.google.com
A proposal that an embodied cognition approach to music research—drawing on work in
computer science, psychology, brain science, and musicology—offers a promising …
computer science, psychology, brain science, and musicology—offers a promising …
[PDF][PDF] A Matlab toolbox for musical feature extraction from audio
We present MIRtoolbox, an integrated set of functions written in Matlab, dedicated to the
extraction of musical features from audio files. The design is based on a modular framework …
extraction of musical features from audio files. The design is based on a modular framework …
[КНИГА][B] Psychology for musicians: Understanding and acquiring the skills
What is it that accounts for the differences between musical beginners, advanced music
makers, and world class performers? Virtually everyone likes music and has the capacity to …
makers, and world class performers? Virtually everyone likes music and has the capacity to …
Emotional expression in music performance: Between the performer's intention and the listener's experience
A Gabrielsson, PN Juslin - Psychology of music, 1996 - journals.sagepub.com
Nine professional musicians were instructed to perform short melodies using various
instruments-the violin, electric guitar, flute, and singing voice-so as to communicate specific …
instruments-the violin, electric guitar, flute, and singing voice-so as to communicate specific …