Is shape in the eye of the beholder? Assessing landmarking error in geometric morphometric analyses on live fish
Geometric morphometrics is widely used to quantify morphological variation between
biological specimens, but the fundamental influence of operator bias on data reproducibility …
biological specimens, but the fundamental influence of operator bias on data reproducibility …
Are geometric morphometric analyses replicable? Evaluating landmark measurement error and its impact on extant and fossil Microtus classification
Geometric morphometric analyses are frequently employed to quantify biological shape and
shape variation. Despite the popularity of this technique, quantification of measurement error …
shape variation. Despite the popularity of this technique, quantification of measurement error …
Comparison of traditional and geometric morphometrics using Lake Huron ciscoes of the Coregonus artedi complex
Objective Here we determine how traditional morphometrics (TM) compares with geometric
morphometrics (GM) in discriminating among morphologies of four forms of ciscoes of the …
morphometrics (GM) in discriminating among morphologies of four forms of ciscoes of the …
Optimizing digitalization effort in morphometrics
Quantifying phenotypes is a common practice for addressing questions regarding
morphological variation. The time dedicated to data acquisition can vary greatly depending …
morphological variation. The time dedicated to data acquisition can vary greatly depending …
Marine habitat transitions and body-shape evolution in lizardfishes and their allies (Aulopiformes)
In this study, we use a geometric morphometric and a character evolution approach to study
the evolutionary patterns of body-shape change and habitat transition in the Aulopiformes …
the evolutionary patterns of body-shape change and habitat transition in the Aulopiformes …
Replacement of the Typical artedi Form of Cisco Coregonus artedi in Lake Huron by Endemic Shallow‐Water Ciscoes, Including Putative Hybrids: REPLACEMENT OF …
Various ecomorphs of the shallow‐water Cisco Coregonus artedi were the dominant fish
planktivores in each of the Great Lakes until invasive species and overfishing resulted in …
planktivores in each of the Great Lakes until invasive species and overfishing resulted in …
A geometric morphometric protocol to correct postmortem body arching in fossil fishes
Postmortem body curvature introduces error in fish morphometric data. Compared to living
fish, the causes of such body curvature in fossils may be due to additive taphonomic …
fish, the causes of such body curvature in fossils may be due to additive taphonomic …
Detection of body shape variations in vulnerable snow trout, Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray, 1832) from rivers of the Indian Himalayan Region
AK Dwivedi - Limnologica, 2022 - Elsevier
Species population structure and composition are components of essential biodiversity
variables (EBVs) to measure change in global freshwater diversity. Multiple stressors affect …
variables (EBVs) to measure change in global freshwater diversity. Multiple stressors affect …
Testing repeatability, measurement error and species differentiation when using geometric morphometrics on complex shapes: a case study of Patagonian lizards of …
The repeatability of findings is the key factor behind scientific reliability, and the failure to
reproduce scientific findings has been termed the 'replication crisis'. Geometric …
reproduce scientific findings has been termed the 'replication crisis'. Geometric …
Application of the geometric morphometrics approach in the discrimination of morphological traits between brown trout lineages in the Danube Basin of Croatia
Brown trout is a salmonid fish with a natural range extending throughout western Eurasia
and North Africa. Due to its commercial value, it has also been introduced worldwide. In …
and North Africa. Due to its commercial value, it has also been introduced worldwide. In …