A survey on the use of topic models when mining software repositories
Researchers in software engineering have attempted to improve software development by
mining and analyzing software repositories. Since the majority of the software engineering …
mining and analyzing software repositories. Since the majority of the software engineering …
Labeling source code with information retrieval methods: an empirical study
To support program comprehension, software artifacts can be labeled—for example within
software visualization tools—with a set of representative words, hereby referred to as labels …
software visualization tools—with a set of representative words, hereby referred to as labels …
Hierarchical abstraction of execution traces for program comprehension
Understanding the dynamic behavior of a software system is one of the most important and
time-consuming tasks for today's software maintainers. In practice, understanding the inner …
time-consuming tasks for today's software maintainers. In practice, understanding the inner …
Using high-rising cities to visualize performance in real-time
For developers concerned with a performance drop or improvement in their software, a
profiler allows a developer to quickly search and identify bottlenecks and leaks that …
profiler allows a developer to quickly search and identify bottlenecks and leaks that …
Segmenting large traces of inter-process communication with a focus on high performance computing systems
The understanding of the interactions among processes of a High Performance Computing
(HPC) system can be made easier if trace analysis is used. Traces, however, can be quite …
(HPC) system can be made easier if trace analysis is used. Traces, however, can be quite …
Identifying features of android apps from execution traces
Understanding a program and the features it provides is essential for a number of software
engineering tasks, including refactoring, debugging, and debloating. Unfortunately, program …
engineering tasks, including refactoring, debugging, and debloating. Unfortunately, program …
An agnostic and efficient approach to identifying features from execution traces
Program comprehension is a necessary step during software understanding and
maintenance. It is usually performed by analyzing data gathered from program execution …
maintenance. It is usually performed by analyzing data gathered from program execution …
Peskea: Anomaly detection framework for profiling kernel event attributes in embedded systems
In the software development life cycle, we use the execution traces of a given application to
examine the behavior of the software when an error occurs or to monitor the software …
examine the behavior of the software when an error occurs or to monitor the software …
Key elements extraction and traces comprehension using Gestalt Theory and the Helmholtz Principle
Trace analysis techniques are used by software engineers to understand the behaviour of
large systems. This understanding can facilitate various software maintenance activities …
large systems. This understanding can facilitate various software maintenance activities …
[КНИГА][B] Software documentation through automatic summarization of source code artifacts
L Moreno - 2016 - search.proquest.com
Program understanding is necessary for most software engineering tasks. Both internal and
external documentation help during this process, since they might summarize valuable …
external documentation help during this process, since they might summarize valuable …