How does forest management affect fungal diversity and community composition? Current knowledge and future perspectives for the conservation of forest fungi
The influence of forest management on fungal diversity and community composition has
been the subject of a wide number of studies over the last two decades. However, the …
been the subject of a wide number of studies over the last two decades. However, the …
A review of thinning effects on Scots pine stands: From growth and yield to new challenges under global change
Aim of the study: Thinning experiments in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands have been
carried out since long in different regions of its distribution. The aim of this paper is to gather …
carried out since long in different regions of its distribution. The aim of this paper is to gather …
Managing Mediterranean forests for multiple ecosystem services: research progress and knowledge gaps
Abstract Purpose of Review Forests provide multiple ecosystem services (ES) to society, and
the demand for ES is growing at the global level. However, how to manage forests for the …
the demand for ES is growing at the global level. However, how to manage forests for the …
Machinery-induced soil compaction in thinning two pine stands in central Italy
Thinning is a crucial practice in forest management. There is, however, a dearth of studies
that focus on the effects of thinning carried out by modern heavy machinery on the physical …
that focus on the effects of thinning carried out by modern heavy machinery on the physical …
Effect of climatic and soil moisture conditions on mushroom productivity and related ecosystem services in Mediterranean pine stands facing climate change
Wild mushrooms contribute to a variety of ecosystem services. The expected warmer and
drier conditions for the Mediterranean region as a consequence of climate change, are …
drier conditions for the Mediterranean region as a consequence of climate change, are …
Environmental impact assessment of different logging methods in pine forests thinning
Thinning is a crucial operation in forest management, which has important effects also on
understory, fauna and soil. We assessed the impact of semi-mechanized logging systems on …
understory, fauna and soil. We assessed the impact of semi-mechanized logging systems on …
Is silviculture able to enhance wild forest mushroom resources? Current knowledge and future perspectives
Fungal fruit-bodies are an important economic resource both for recreational pickers and
commercial markets. The broad interest in forest fungi and mushrooms has motivated …
commercial markets. The broad interest in forest fungi and mushrooms has motivated …
Impact of forest management intensity on landscape-level mushroom productivity: a regional model-based scenario analysis
The aim of this study was to predict the effect of forest management intensity on mushroom
productivity at the landscape level by means of a model-based scenario analysis. The study …
productivity at the landscape level by means of a model-based scenario analysis. The study …
Spatial structure of timber harvested according to structure-based forest management
Y Li, S Ye, G Hui, Y Hu, Z Zhao - Forest ecology and management, 2014 - Elsevier
The selection of harvested trees is key to the success of near-natural forest management, yet
few people have focused on the structural characteristics of harvested woods. Here, we …
few people have focused on the structural characteristics of harvested woods. Here, we …
Comparing Thinning System Effects on Ecosystem Services Provision in Artificial Black Pine (Pinus nigra JF Arnold) Forests
M Marchi, A Paletto, P Cantiani, E Bianchetto, I De Meo - Forests, 2018 - mdpi.com
Provision of forest ecosystem services is influenced by site and stand characteristics as well
as forest management practices. In order to evaluate the influence of forest management on …
as forest management practices. In order to evaluate the influence of forest management on …