[Књига][B] Computer science education research
This book provides an overview of how to approach computer science education research
from a pragmatic perspective. It represents the diversity of traditions and approaches …
from a pragmatic perspective. It represents the diversity of traditions and approaches …
The ethical nature of critical research in information systems
BC Stahl - Information systems journal, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
Critical research in information systems is based on and inspired by ethics and morality. In
order to support this proposition, this paper will suggest a way of classifying critical research …
order to support this proposition, this paper will suggest a way of classifying critical research …
[Књига][B] Information systems: Critical perspectives
BC Stahl - 2008 - taylorfrancis.com
Whilst Information Systems has the potential to widen our view of the world, it often has the
opposite effect by limiting our ability to interact, facilitating managerial and state surveillance …
opposite effect by limiting our ability to interact, facilitating managerial and state surveillance …
[PDF][PDF] Contextualized IT education in Tanzania: Beyond standard IT curricula
M Tedre, N Bangu, SI Nyagava - Journal of Information Technology …, 2009 - learntechlib.org
Abstract Tumaini University at Iringa, Tanzania, started a new B. Sc. program in IT in 2007. In
the course of planning and implementation of the program, we found out that standard …
the course of planning and implementation of the program, we found out that standard …
Teaching introductory programming to IS students: Java problems and pitfalls
MO Pendergast - Journal of Information Technology Education …, 2006 - learntechlib.org
This paper examines the impact the use of the Java programming language has had on the
way our students learn to program and the success they achieve. The importance of a …
way our students learn to program and the success they achieve. The importance of a …
Empowerment through ICT: A critical discourse analysis of the Egyptian ICT policy
BC Stahl - IFIP international conference on human choice and …, 2008 - Springer
ICT is often promoted as a solution to a range of social ills. This is particularly true for the use
of ICT in develo** countries. ICT deployment can address numerous issues but its overall …
of ICT in develo** countries. ICT deployment can address numerous issues but its overall …
Thinking issues meeting employers expectations of devops roles: can dispositions be taught?
T Clear - ACM Inroads, 2017 - dl.acm.org
In the education and teacher education fields there has been much debate about where the
balance of good teaching should lie, and how much the focus should be on imparting …
balance of good teaching should lie, and how much the focus should be on imparting …
A critical view of the ethical nature of interpretive research: Paul Ricceur and the Other
BC Stahl - 2005 - aisel.aisnet.org
While ethics is usually seen as a possible research subject and ethical standards have to be
observed when doing IS research, there does not seem to be any direct link between ethics …
observed when doing IS research, there does not seem to be any direct link between ethics …
Emancipation in cross-cultural IS research: The fine line between relativism and dictatorship of the intellectual
BC Stahl - Ethics and Information Technology, 2006 - Springer
Critical research is becoming increasingly accepted as a valid approach to research in
information systems. It is deemed to be particularly suitable for situations where researchers …
information systems. It is deemed to be particularly suitable for situations where researchers …
[Књига][B] Critical management perspectives on information systems
C Brooke - 2009 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Critical Management Perspectives on Information Systems provides a coherent set of
reference points to show students and researchers the organizational issues of information …
reference points to show students and researchers the organizational issues of information …