Lipid droplet biogenesis and functions in health and disease
Ubiquitous yet unique, lipid droplets are intracellular organelles that are increasingly being
recognized for their versatility beyond energy storage. Advances uncovering the intricacies …
recognized for their versatility beyond energy storage. Advances uncovering the intricacies …
The emerging role of Raman spectroscopy as an omics approach for metabolic profiling and biomarker detection toward precision medicine
Omics technologies have rapidly evolved with the unprecedented potential to shape
precision medicine. Novel omics approaches are imperative toallow rapid and accurate data …
precision medicine. Novel omics approaches are imperative toallow rapid and accurate data …
Lipids as mediators of cancer progression and metastasis
Metastasis formation is a complex process, involving multiple crucial steps, which are
controlled by different regulatory mechanisms. In this context, the contribution of cancer …
controlled by different regulatory mechanisms. In this context, the contribution of cancer …
Targeting fatty acid metabolism in glioblastoma
Glioblastoma (GBM) is a primary tumor of the brain defined by its uniform lethality and
resistance to conventional therapies. There have been considerable efforts to untangle the …
resistance to conventional therapies. There have been considerable efforts to untangle the …
Mechanisms for modulating anoikis resistance in cancer and the relevance of metabolic reprogramming
The attachment of cells to the extracellular matrix (ECM) is the hallmark of structure–function
stability and well-being. ECM detachment in localized tumors precedes abnormal …
stability and well-being. ECM detachment in localized tumors precedes abnormal …
Lipid droplets: a cellular organelle vital in cancer cells
Y **, Y Tan, J Wu, Z Ren - Cell death discovery, 2023 - nature.com
Lipid droplets (LDs) are cellular organelles comprising a core of neutral lipids (glycerides,
sterols) encased within a single phospholipid membrane, responsible for storing surplus …
sterols) encased within a single phospholipid membrane, responsible for storing surplus …
A biomimetic aggregation‐induced emission photosensitizer with antigen‐presenting and hitchhiking function for lipid droplet targeted photodynamic immunotherapy
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a promising alternative approach for effective cancer
treatment that is associated with an antitumor immune response. However …
treatment that is associated with an antitumor immune response. However …
Engineering of a NIR fluorescent probe for high-fidelity tracking of lipid droplets in living cells and nonalcoholic fatty liver tissues
J Hong, Y Liu, X Tan, G Feng - Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2023 - Elsevier
LDs (Lipid droplets) are key organelles for lipid metabolism and storage, which are closely
related to ferroptosis and fatty liver. Due to its small size and highly dynamic nature …
related to ferroptosis and fatty liver. Due to its small size and highly dynamic nature …
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 controls a lipid droplet–peroxisome axis and is a vulnerability of endocrine-resistant ER+ breast cancer
Targeting aromatase deprives ER+ breast cancers of estrogens and is an effective
therapeutic approach for these tumors. However, drug resistance is an unmet clinical need …
therapeutic approach for these tumors. However, drug resistance is an unmet clinical need …
The diversity and breadth of cancer cell fatty acid metabolism
Tumor cellular metabolism exhibits distinguishing features that collectively enhance
biomass synthesis while maintaining redox balance and cellular homeostasis. These …
biomass synthesis while maintaining redox balance and cellular homeostasis. These …