Electrical conductivity of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system
Electromagnetic geophysical methods image the electrical conductivity of the subsurface.
Electrical conductivity is an intrinsic material property that is sensitive to temperature …
Electrical conductivity is an intrinsic material property that is sensitive to temperature …
Relationship of the crustal structure, rheology, and tectonic dynamics beneath the Lhasa‐Gangdese Terrane (Southern Tibet) Based on a 3‐D electrical model
The tectonic dynamics of the Lhasa‐Gangdese terrane, southern Tibet, are still unclear and
open questions persist regarding the structure, physical properties, and rheology of the …
open questions persist regarding the structure, physical properties, and rheology of the …
3D electrical resistivity of Gran Canaria island using magnetotelluric data
Gran Canaria, one of the two main islands of the Canary Archipelago off NW Africa, has
been volcanically active for at least 15 million years. The island went through several …
been volcanically active for at least 15 million years. The island went through several …
Bifurcated crustal channel flow and seismogenic structures of intraplate earthquakes in western Yunnan, China as revealed by three‐dimensional magnetotelluric …
Based on broadband magnetotelluric data collected in western Yunnan, we obtain a three‐
dimensional crustal resistivity model, which reveals seismogenic structures of Yingjiang and …
dimensional crustal resistivity model, which reveals seismogenic structures of Yingjiang and …
[HTML][HTML] The geothermal magmatic system at the northern Rahat volcanic field, Saudi Arabia, revealed from 3D magnetotelluric inversion
Harrat Rahat (HR) volcanic field is one of the most prominent volcanic areas in western
Saudi Arabia, as it is a promising site for geothermal energy. HR has been intensively …
Saudi Arabia, as it is a promising site for geothermal energy. HR has been intensively …
Crustal architecture of a metallogenic belt and ophiolite belt: Implications for mineral genesis and emplacement from 3-D electrical resistivity models (Bayankhongor …
Crustal architecture strongly influences the development and emplacement of mineral
zones. In this study, we image the crustal structure beneath a metallogenic belt and its …
zones. In this study, we image the crustal structure beneath a metallogenic belt and its …
A reduced order approach for probabilistic inversions of 3-D magnetotelluric data I: general formulation
Simulation-based probabilistic inversions of 3-D magnetotelluric (MT) data are arguably the
best option to deal with the nonlinearity and non-uniqueness of the MT problem. However …
best option to deal with the nonlinearity and non-uniqueness of the MT problem. However …
Geolectric field measurement, modelling and validation during geomagnetic storms in the UK
CD Beggan, GS Richardson, O Baillie… - Journal of Space …, 2021 - swsc-journal.org
Significant geoelectric fields are produced by the interaction of rapidly varying magnetic
fields with the conductive Earth, particularly during intense geomagnetic activity. Though …
fields with the conductive Earth, particularly during intense geomagnetic activity. Though …
AusLAMP 3D MT imaging of an intracontinental deformation zone, Musgrave Province, Central Australia
Abstract The central Australian Musgrave Province at the junction of the South, North and
West Australian cratons has undergone and continues to retain evidence of significant …
West Australian cratons has undergone and continues to retain evidence of significant …
Magnetotelluric signatures of Neoproterozoic subduction, and subsequent lithospheric reactivation and thinning beneath central South China
Broadband and long-period magnetotelluric (MT) soundings were collected along a 600-km-
long EW-trending profile across the southwestern segment of the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt …
long EW-trending profile across the southwestern segment of the Jiangnan Orogenic Belt …