An Improved Formulation and Analysis of Reddy Beam Model for Framed Structures
A structural analysis of framed structures using the finite element method considering both
the Bernoulli-Euler and the Timoshenko beam theories can be performed adopting cubic …
the Bernoulli-Euler and the Timoshenko beam theories can be performed adopting cubic …
Geometric Nonlinear Analysis using the Two-cycle Method in Ftool
With recent advances in design and material technology, increasingly slender structures are
being conceived, which makes nonlinear analysis an important task for efficient and safe …
being conceived, which makes nonlinear analysis an important task for efficient and safe …
[PDF][PDF] Numerical experiments to assess the performance of different formulations and solution algorithms for geometrically nonlinear analysis of two-dimensional …
This work presents an investigation, through numerical experiments, of different
geometrically nonlinear formulations and solution algorithms for the structural analysis of …
geometrically nonlinear formulations and solution algorithms for the structural analysis of …
[PDF][PDF] Structural analysis with nonlinear behavior: The importance of going beyond the line
This work discusses the importance of numerical methods in structural analysis. It deals
specifically with the analysis of frame structures where geometric and material nonlinearity is …
specifically with the analysis of frame structures where geometric and material nonlinearity is …
[PDF][PDF] Corotational Stiffness Matrices for 2D Frame Elements
RL Rangel - 2023 - researchgate.net
In this work, the tangent stiffness matrix for the geometrically nonlinear analysis of a two-
dimensional frame element subjected to large displacements and rotations, but small …
dimensional frame element subjected to large displacements and rotations, but small …
Expansion of an Object-Oriented Framework to Consider Reddy Model for Reticulated Structures
MAC Rodrigues, RB Burgos… - Ibero-Latin …, 2024 - publicacoes.softaliza.com.br
Classical softwares to perform structural analysis using the Finite Element Method (FEM)
considers the Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams theories. However, these theories …
considers the Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams theories. However, these theories …
LESM: An interactive-graphics open-source educational software in MATLAB for static and dynamic structural analysis
LF Martha, CHB Resende… - XLIV Ibero-Latin …, 2023 - publicacoes.softaliza.com.br
This paper highlights the latest advancements in LESM (Linear Elements Structure Model),
an educational software designed to analyze frames, trusses, and grillages. Developed as …
an educational software designed to analyze frames, trusses, and grillages. Developed as …
Desenvolvimento de software web para análise estrutural não linear geométrica de pórticos plano
JFL Nunes - 2023 - repositorio.ufal.br
Este trabalho desenvolveu um software de análise estrutural não linear geométrica de
pórticos planos. Assim, buscou-se utilizar de métodos matriciais, mais precisamente o …
pórticos planos. Assim, buscou-se utilizar de métodos matriciais, mais precisamente o …
[PDF][PDF] Corotational stiffness matrices for 2D truss elements
RL Rangel - researchgate.net
In this work, the tangent stiffness matrix for the geometrically nonlinear analysis of a two-
dimensional truss element subjected to large displacements and rotations, and potentially …
dimensional truss element subjected to large displacements and rotations, and potentially …