Internal transport barriers in tokamak plasmas
RC Wolf - Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2002 - iopscience.iop.org
Internal transport barriers in tokamak plasmas are explored in order to improve confinement
and stability beyond the reference scenario, used for the ITER extrapolation, and to achieve …
and stability beyond the reference scenario, used for the ITER extrapolation, and to achieve …
Saturated ideal modes in advanced tokamak regimes in MAST
MAST plasmas with a safety factor above unity and a profile with either weakly reversed
shear or broad low-shear regions, regularly exhibit long-lived saturated ideal …
shear or broad low-shear regions, regularly exhibit long-lived saturated ideal …
Core radiative collapse characterisation and integrated modelling in WEST plasmas
V Ostuni, J Morales, JF Artaud, C Bourdelle… - Nuclear …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
In the full tungsten environment of WEST, during its first phase of operation, around 25% of
the pulses exhibited a rapid central electron temperature collapse. In its first phase, WEST …
the pulses exhibited a rapid central electron temperature collapse. In its first phase, WEST …
The impact of the ITER-like wall at JET on disruptions
The new full-metal ITER-like wall (ILW) at JET was found to have a profound impact on the
physics of disruptions. The main difference is a significantly lower fraction (by up to a factor …
physics of disruptions. The main difference is a significantly lower fraction (by up to a factor …
Healing plasma current ramp-up by nitrogen seeding in the full tungsten environment of WEST
P Maget, P Manas, JF Artaud, C Bourdelle… - Plasma Physics and …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
Achieving a successful plasma current ramp-up in a full tungsten tokamak can be
challenging due to the large core radiation (and resulting low core temperature) that can be …
challenging due to the large core radiation (and resulting low core temperature) that can be …
Observation of high-frequency waves during strong tearing mode activity in FTU plasmas without fast ions
MHD spectroscopy in FTU has revealed high frequency (HF) oscillations between 30 and 70
kHz that accompany the development of large m 0=− 2, n 0=− 1 islands in ohmic plasmas …
kHz that accompany the development of large m 0=− 2, n 0=− 1 islands in ohmic plasmas …
Dynamics of JET runaway electron beams in -rich shattered pellet injection mitigation experiments
The publication provide further insights into the dynamics of JET runaway electron (RE)
beams mitigated by D2-rich shattered pellet injection (SPI)(Reux et al 2022 Plasma Phys …
beams mitigated by D2-rich shattered pellet injection (SPI)(Reux et al 2022 Plasma Phys …
Effect of fuel isotope mass on q-profile formation in JET hybrid plasmas
CD Challis, S Brezinsek, IH Coffey, M Fontana… - Nuclear …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
The initial current ramp phase of JET hybrid plasmas is used to optimise the target q-profile
for main heating to allow access to high β and avoid MHD instabilities. Mixed protium …
for main heating to allow access to high β and avoid MHD instabilities. Mixed protium …
Recent progress in lower hybrid current drive theory and experiments
E Barbato - Plasma physics and controlled fusion, 1998 - iopscience.iop.org
In this paper lower hybrid current drive (LHCD) experimental milestones paving the way for
future experiments are briefly summarized. The current drive efficiency scaling with the …
future experiments are briefly summarized. The current drive efficiency scaling with the …
High core electron confinement regimes in FTU plasmas with low-or reversed-magnetic shear and high power density electron-cyclotron-resonance heating
Electron temperatures in excess of 8 keV have been obtained by electron-cyclotron-
resonance heating on FTU plasmas at peak densities up to 8× 10 19 m− 3. The magnetic …
resonance heating on FTU plasmas at peak densities up to 8× 10 19 m− 3. The magnetic …