2024 ESC Guidelines for the management of elevated blood pressure and hypertension: Developed by the task force on the management of elevated blood pressure …
• The specific situation of the patient. Unless otherwise provided for by national regulations,
off-label use of medication should be limited to situations where it is in the patient's interest …
off-label use of medication should be limited to situations where it is in the patient's interest …
Arterial hypertension
Arterial hypertension is the most important contributor to the global burden of disease;
however, disease control remains poor. Although the diagnosis of hypertension is still based …
however, disease control remains poor. Although the diagnosis of hypertension is still based …
2023 ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of …
Document Reviewers: Luis Alcocer (Mexico), Christina Antza (Greece), Mustafa Arici
(Turkey), Eduardo Barbosa (Brazil), Adel Berbari (Lebanon), Luıs Bronze (Portugal), John …
(Turkey), Eduardo Barbosa (Brazil), Adel Berbari (Lebanon), Luıs Bronze (Portugal), John …
Long-term efficacy and safety of renal denervation in the presence of antihypertensive drugs (SPYRAL HTN-ON MED): a randomised, sham-controlled trial
Background Renal denervation has been shown to lower blood pressure in the presence of
antihypertensive medications; however, long-term safety and efficacy data from randomised …
antihypertensive medications; however, long-term safety and efficacy data from randomised …
Long-term outcomes after catheter-based renal artery denervation for resistant hypertension: final follow-up of the randomised SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Trial
DL Bhatt, M Vaduganathan, DE Kandzari, MB Leon… - The Lancet, 2022 - thelancet.com
Summary Background The SYMPLICITY HTN-3 (Renal Denervation in Patients With
Uncontrolled Hypertension) trial showed the safety but not efficacy of the Symplicity system …
Uncontrolled Hypertension) trial showed the safety but not efficacy of the Symplicity system …
Efficacy of catheter-based renal denervation in the absence of antihypertensive medications (SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED Pivotal): a multicentre, randomised, sham …
Background Catheter-based renal denervation has significantly reduced blood pressure in
previous studies. Following a positive pilot trial, the SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED (SPYRAL …
previous studies. Following a positive pilot trial, the SPYRAL HTN-OFF MED (SPYRAL …
The Japanese Society of Hypertension guidelines for the management of hypertension (JSH 2019)
S Umemura, H Arima, S Arima, K Asayama… - Hypertension …, 2019 - nature.com
The Japanese Society of Hypertension (JSH) revised the Guidelines for the Management of
Hypertension 2014 (JSH 2014), and published the JSH 2019. In the development of the JSH …
Hypertension 2014 (JSH 2014), and published the JSH 2019. In the development of the JSH …
Resistant hypertension: detection, evaluation, and management: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association
Resistant hypertension (RH) is defined as above-goal elevated blood pressure (BP) in a
patient despite the concurrent use of 3 antihypertensive drug classes, commonly including a …
patient despite the concurrent use of 3 antihypertensive drug classes, commonly including a …
2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of …
Aims The expression of GADD153 (growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible gene 153), an
apoptosis-regulated gene, increases during endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. How …
apoptosis-regulated gene, increases during endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. How …
Endovascular ultrasound renal denervation to treat hypertension (RADIANCE-HTN SOLO): a multicentre, international, single-blind, randomised, sham-controlled trial
Background Early studies suggest that radiofrequency-based renal denervation reduces
blood pressure in patients with moderate hypertension. We investigated whether an …
blood pressure in patients with moderate hypertension. We investigated whether an …