Effectiveness of nitrogen fixation in rhizobia
Biological nitrogen fixation in rhizobia occurs primarily in root or stem nodules and is
induced by the bacteria present in legume plants. This symbiotic process has fascinated …
induced by the bacteria present in legume plants. This symbiotic process has fascinated …
Micromanaging the nitrogen cycle in agroecosystems
While large inputs of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers enable our current rate of crop production
and feed a growing global population, these fertilizers come at a heavy environmental cost …
and feed a growing global population, these fertilizers come at a heavy environmental cost …
Determining how oxygen legacy affects trajectories of soil denitrifier community dynamics and N2O emissions
Denitrification–a key process in the global nitrogen cycle and main source of the
greenhouse gas N2O–is intricately controlled by O2. While the transition from aerobic …
greenhouse gas N2O–is intricately controlled by O2. While the transition from aerobic …
Bradyrhizobium ottawaense efficiently reduces nitrous oxide through high nosZ gene expression
N2O is an important greenhouse gas influencing global warming, and agricultural land is the
predominant (anthropogenic) source of N2O emissions. Here, we report the high N2O …
predominant (anthropogenic) source of N2O emissions. Here, we report the high N2O …
Linking meta-omics to the kinetics of denitrification intermediates reveals pH-dependent causes of N2O emissions and nitrite accumulation in soil
Soil pH is a key controller of denitrification. We analysed the metagenomics/transcriptomics
and phenomics of two soils from a long-term liming experiment, SoilN (pH 6.8) and un-limed …
and phenomics of two soils from a long-term liming experiment, SoilN (pH 6.8) and un-limed …
Nitrous oxide respiring bacteria in biogas digestates for reduced agricultural emissions
Inoculating agricultural soils with nitrous oxide respiring bacteria (NRB) can reduce N2O-
emission, but would be impractical as a standalone operation. Here we demonstrate that …
emission, but would be impractical as a standalone operation. Here we demonstrate that …
Nitrous oxide-sink capability of denitrifying bacteria impacted by nitrite and pH
Nitrous oxide (N 2 O) is a highly potent greenhouse gas and ozone-depleting substance,
produced and consumed during denitrification. Evaluation of the N 2 O production and …
produced and consumed during denitrification. Evaluation of the N 2 O production and …
Exploring the Functions of Efficient Canonical Denitrifying Bacteria as N2O Sinks: Implications from 15N Tracer and Transcriptome Analyses
In denitrifying reactors, canonical complete denitrifying bacteria reduce nitrate (NO3–) to
nitrogen via N2O. However, they can also produce N2O under certain conditions. We used a …
nitrogen via N2O. However, they can also produce N2O under certain conditions. We used a …
Emerging options for mitigating N2O emissions from food production by manipulating the soil microbiota
Improved understanding of the microbes producing and reducing N 2 O spurs the invention
of direct and manipulative methods to reduce N 2 O emissions, beyond that achieved by …
of direct and manipulative methods to reduce N 2 O emissions, beyond that achieved by …
A dual enrichment strategy provides soil-and digestate-competent nitrous oxide-respiring bacteria for mitigating climate forcing in agriculture
Manipulating soil metabolism through heavy inoculation with microbes is feasible if organic
wastes can be utilized as the substrate for growth and vector as a fertilizer. This, however …
wastes can be utilized as the substrate for growth and vector as a fertilizer. This, however …