Shifting patterns of life in the Pacific Arctic and sub-Arctic seas

JM Grebmeier - Annual review of marine science, 2012 -
Recent changes in the timing of sea ice formation and retreat, along with increasing
seawater temperatures, are driving shifts in marine species composition that may signal …

Ecosystem characteristics and processes facilitating persistent macrobenthic biomass hotspots and associated benthivory in the Pacific Arctic

JM Grebmeier, BA Bluhm, LW Cooper… - Progress in …, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract The northern Bering and Chukchi Seas are areas in the Pacific Arctic characterized
by high northward advection of Pacific Ocean water, with seasonal variability in sea ice …

Prevalence of algal toxins in Alaskan marine mammals foraging in a changing arctic and subarctic environment

KA Lefebvre, L Quakenbush, E Frame, KB Huntington… - Harmful algae, 2016 - Elsevier
Current climate trends resulting in rapid declines in sea ice and increasing water
temperatures are likely to expand the northern geographic range and duration of favorable …

Impacts of changing sea-ice conditions on Arctic marine mammals

KM Kovacs, C Lydersen, JE Overland, SE Moore - Marine Biodiversity, 2011 - Springer
Arctic sea ice has changed dramatically, especially during the last decade and continued
declines in extent and thickness are expected for the decades to come. Some ice-associated …

Methods of estimating marine mammal diets: a review of validation experiments and sources of bias and uncertainty

WD Bowen, SJ Iverson - Marine Mammal Science, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Diet estimation in marine mammals relies on indirect methods including recovery of prey
hard parts from stomachs and feces, quantitative fatty acid signature analysis (QFASA) …

A global synthesis of predation on bivalves

A Meira, JE Byers, R Sousa - Biological Reviews, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Predation is a dominant structuring force in ecological communities. In aquatic
environments, predation on bivalves has long been an important focal interaction for …

A review of impacts of marine dredging activities on marine mammals

VLG Todd, IB Todd, JC Gardiner… - ICES Journal of …, 2015 -
Marine dredging is an excavation activity carried out worldwide by many industries. Concern
about the impact dredging has on marine life, including marine mammals (cetaceans …

Survival and breeding of polar bears in the southern Beaufort Sea in relation to sea ice

EV Regehr, CM Hunter, H Caswell… - Journal of animal …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Observed and predicted declines in Arctic sea ice have raised concerns about marine
mammals. In May 2008, the US Fish and Wildlife Service listed polar bears (Ursus …

Walrus areas of use in the Chukchi Sea during sparse sea ice cover

CV Jay, AS Fischbach, AA Kochnev - Marine Ecology Progress Series, 2012 -
The Pacific walrus Odobenus rosmarus divergens feeds on benthic invertebrates on the
continental shelf of the Chukchi and Bering Seas and rests on sea ice between foraging …

Trade-offs between foraging reward and mortality risk drive sex-specific foraging strategies in sexually dimorphic northern elephant seals

SS Kienle, AS Friedlaender… - Royal Society …, 2022 -
Sex-specific phenotypic differences are widespread throughout the animal kingdom.
Reproductive advantages provided by trait differences come at a cost. Here, we link sex …