Genuinely multipartite concurrence of -qubit matrices

SM Hashemi Rafsanjani, M Huber, CJ Broadbent… - Physical Review A …, 2012 - APS
We find an algebraic formula for the N-partite concurrence of N qubits in an X matrix. X
matrices are density matrices whose only nonzero elements are diagonal or antidiagonal …

Entanglement witness and linear entropy in an open system influenced by FG noise

AU Rahman, S Haddadi, M Javed, LT Kenfack… - Quantum Information …, 2022 - Springer
We investigate the behavior of tripartite entanglement and entropy disorder in three non-
interacting qubits that are first prepared in a mixture state containing Greenberger–Horne …

Entanglement generation and steering implementation in a double-cavity-magnon hybrid system

LJ Cong, YX Luo, ZG Zheng, HY Liu, Y Ming… - Optics …, 2023 -
We demonstrate a scheme for the generation of bipartite and tripartite entanglement, as well
as he implementation of stable and controllable long-distance one-way and asymmetric two …

Phase-controlled quantum entanglement and one-way steering in cavity magnonic system

YC Ye, QC Li, TL Yang, YJ Xu - Optics Express, 2024 -
We study phase-controlled quantum entanglement and one-way quantum steering in a
cavity magnonic system, where two magnon modes couple to two microwave cavities driven …

Time evolution of tripartite quantum discord and entanglement under local and nonlocal random telegraph noise

F Buscemi, P Bordone - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2013 - APS
Few studies explored the dynamics of nonclassical correlations besides entanglement in
open multipartite quantum systems. Here, we address the time evolution of quantum discord …

The dynamic behaviors of local quantum uncertainty for three-qubit X states under decoherence channels

A Slaoui, M Daoud, R Ahl Laamara - Quantum Information Processing, 2019 - Springer
We derive the analytical expression of local quantum uncertainty for three-qubit X states. We
give also the expressions of quantum discord and the negativity. A comparison of these …

Quantum correlations dynamics and decoherence of a three-qubit system subject to classical environmental noise

M Tchoffo, LT Kenfack, GC Fouokeng… - The European Physical …, 2016 - Springer
We address the dynamics of decoherence and quantum correlations (entanglement and
discord) in a model of three non-interacting qubits, initially prepared in a maximally …

Dissociation and annihilation of multipartite entanglement structure in dissipative quantum dynamics

SN Filippov, AA Melnikov, M Ziman - Physical Review A, 2013 - APS
We study the dynamics of the entanglement structure of a multipartite system experiencing a
dissipative evolution. We characterize the processes leading to a particular form of output …

Entanglement dynamics of three interacting two-level atoms within a common structured environment

NB An, J Kim, K Kim - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2011 - APS
We derive exact time evolution of three two-level atoms coupled to a common environment.
The environment is structured and is modeled by a leaky cavity with Lorentzian spectral …

Entanglement property of the Werner state in accelerated frames

WC Qiang, Q Dong, MA Mercado Sanchez… - Quantum Information …, 2019 - Springer
We study the entanglement property of a free Dirac field in a Werner state as seen by two
relatively accelerated parties. We study the concurrence, negativity, mutual information and …