Tethyan subduction and Cretaceous rift magmatism at the southern margin of Eurasia: Evidence for crustal evolution of the South Caspian Basin
The Cretaceous rift magmatic activity along the southern margin of Eurasia is ideal for
testing how the far-field magmatism, with alkaline to calc-alkaline igneous rocks along the …
testing how the far-field magmatism, with alkaline to calc-alkaline igneous rocks along the …
Remote sensing and geochemical investigations of sulfide-bearing metavolcanic and gabbroic rocks (Egypt): Constraints on host-rock petrogenesis and sulfide …
Field geology, geochemical analyses and multi-sensor remotely sensed data of Landsat-8,
ASTER and Sentinel-2 were used to detect various types of hydrothermal alteration and …
ASTER and Sentinel-2 were used to detect various types of hydrothermal alteration and …
Precambrian basement complex of Egypt
MZ El-Bialy - The geology of Egypt, 2020 - Springer
Surface exposure of the Egyptian Precambrian basement complex covers ca. 100 000 km 2.
Outcrops of the basement rocks extend over extensive areas in southern Sinai, the Eastern …
Outcrops of the basement rocks extend over extensive areas in southern Sinai, the Eastern …
Petrogenesis of ilmenite-bearing mafic intrusions: A case study of Abu Ghalaga area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
GM Saleh, FM Khaleal, ESR Lasheen - Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2022 - Springer
Abstract Neoproterozoic Abu Ghalaga ilmenite-bearing mafic rocks were subjected to
geological, petrographical and geochemical studies integrated with mineral chemistry of …
geological, petrographical and geochemical studies integrated with mineral chemistry of …
Petrogenesis of arc-related peridotite hosted chromitite deposits in Sikhoran-Soghan mantle section, South Iran: Evidence for proto-forearc spreading to boninitic …
Abstract The Soghan-Sikhoran ophiolite in southeast Iran (Outer Zagros Ophiolite Belt) is a
remnant of a series of Upper Triassic–Cretaceous supra-subduction zone (SSZ) ophiolites …
remnant of a series of Upper Triassic–Cretaceous supra-subduction zone (SSZ) ophiolites …
Peridotite-chromitite complexes in the Eastern Desert of Egypt: Insight into Neoproterozoic sub-arc mantle processes
MZ Khedr, S Arai - Gondwana Research, 2017 - Elsevier
The Neoproterozoic peridotite-chromitite complexes in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt,
being a part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield, are outcropped along the E–W trend from Wadi …
being a part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield, are outcropped along the E–W trend from Wadi …
Geochemistry and tectonic significance of the Fannuj-Maskutan SSZ-type ophiolite (Inner Makran, SE Iran)
The nature and geodynamic setting of Inner Makran ophiolites (SE Iran) are controversial
and are the focus of a growing debate. The Fannuj-Maskutan ophiolite complex (central …
and are the focus of a growing debate. The Fannuj-Maskutan ophiolite complex (central …
Petrogenesis of the~ 740 Korab Kansi mafic-ultramafic intrusion, South Eastern Desert of Egypt: Evidence of Ti-rich ferropicritic magmatism
Abstract The Neoproterozoic Korab Kansi mafic-ultramafic intrusion is one of the largest
(100 km 2) intrusions in the Southern Eastern Desert of Egypt. The intrusion consists of Fe-Ti …
(100 km 2) intrusions in the Southern Eastern Desert of Egypt. The intrusion consists of Fe-Ti …
New insights and constraints on the late Neoproterozoic post-collisional mafic magmatism in the Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia
We present new field evidences, mineralogical and geochemical data on the late
Neoproterozoic Khamal gabbro-diorite complex (KGDC), Western Arabian Shield, Saudi …
Neoproterozoic Khamal gabbro-diorite complex (KGDC), Western Arabian Shield, Saudi …
Petrology and geochemistry of some ophiolitic metaperidotites from the Eastern Desert of Egypt: insights into geodynamic evolution and metasomatic processes
AAM ABDEL‐KARIM, MK Azer… - Acta Geologica Sinica …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Ophiolitic peridotites exposed in the Eastern Desert (ED) of Egypt record multiple stages of
evolution, including different degrees of partial melting and melt extraction, serpentinization …
evolution, including different degrees of partial melting and melt extraction, serpentinization …