Returns to buying winners and selling losers: Implications for stock market efficiency

N Jegadeesh, S Titman - The Journal of finance, 1993 - Wiley Online Library
This paper documents that strategies which buy stocks that have performed well in the past
and sell stocks that have performed poorly in the past generate significant positive returns …

Efficient capital markets: II

EF Fama - The journal of finance, 1991 - Wiley Online Library
SEQUELS ARE RARELY AS good as the originals, so I approach this review of the market
efflciency literature with trepidation. The task is thornier than it was 20 years ago, when work …

Do brokerage analysts' recommendations have investment value?

KL Womack - The journal of finance, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
An analysis of new buy and sell recommendations of stocks by security analysts at major US
brokerage firms shows significant, systematic discrepancies between prerecommendation …

Mutual fund performance: An analysis of quarterly portfolio holdings

M Grinblatt, S Titman - Journal of business, 1989 - JSTOR
This article employs the 1975-84 quarterly holdings of a sample of mutual funds to construct
an estimate of their gross returns. This sample, which is not subject to survivorship bias, is …

Can investors profit from the prophets? Security analyst recommendations and stock returns

B Barber, R Lehavy, M McNichols… - The Journal of …, 2001 - Wiley Online Library
We document that purchasing (selling short) stocks with the most (least) favorable
consensus recommendations, in conjunction with daily portfolio rebalancing and a timely …

Empirical asset pricing: Models and methods

W Ferson - 2019 -
An introduction to the theory and methods of empirical asset pricing, integrating classical
foundations with recent developments. This book offers a comprehensive advanced …

A non-random walk down Wall Street

AW Lo, AC MacKinlay - A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street, 2011 -
For over half a century, financial experts have regarded the movements of markets as a
random walk--unpredictable meanderings akin to a drunkard's unsteady gait--and this …

Reputation and performance among security analysts

SE Stickel - The Journal of Finance, 1992 - Wiley Online Library
ABSTRACT Members of the Institutional Investor All‐American Research Team supply more
accurate earnings forecasts than other analysts when forecasts are matched by the …

An anatomy of trading strategies

J Conrad, G Kaul - The Review of Financial Studies, 1998 -
In this article we use a single unifying framework to analyze the sources of profits to a wide
spectrum of return-based trading strategies implemented in the literature. We show that less …

Herding among investment newsletters: Theory and evidence

JR Graham - The Journal of Finance, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
A model is developed which implies that if an analyst has high reputation or low ability, or if
there is strong public information that is inconsistent with the analyst's private information …