Marine ecosystem assessment for the Southern Ocean: birds and marine mammals in a changing climate
The massive number of seabirds (penguins and procellariiformes) and marine mammals
(cetaceans and pinnipeds)–referred to here as top predators–is one of the most iconic …
(cetaceans and pinnipeds)–referred to here as top predators–is one of the most iconic …
Happy feet in a hostile world? The future of penguins depends on proactive management of current and expected threats
Penguins face a wide range of threats. Most observed population changes have been
negative and have happened over the last 60 years. Today, populations of 11 penguin …
negative and have happened over the last 60 years. Today, populations of 11 penguin …
Antarctic pelagic ecosystems on a warming planet
High-latitude pelagic marine ecosystems are vulnerable to climate change because of the
intertwining of sea/continental ice dynamics, physics, biogeochemistry, and food-web …
intertwining of sea/continental ice dynamics, physics, biogeochemistry, and food-web …
Pan-Antarctic analysis aggregating spatial estimates of Adélie penguin abundance reveals robust dynamics despite stochastic noise
Colonially-breeding seabirds have long served as indicator species for the health of the
oceans on which they depend. Abundance and breeding data are repeatedly collected at …
oceans on which they depend. Abundance and breeding data are repeatedly collected at …
Anthropogenic flank attack on polar bears: interacting consequences of climate warming and pollutant exposure
Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are subjected to several anthropogenic threats, climate
warming and exposure to pollutants being two of these. For polar bears, one of the main …
warming and exposure to pollutants being two of these. For polar bears, one of the main …
Sex‐biased survival contributes to population decline in a long‐lived seabird, the Magellanic Penguin
NJ Gownaris, PD Boersma - Ecological Applications, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract We developed a Hidden Markov mark–recapture model (R package marked) to
examine sex‐specific demography in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus). Our …
examine sex‐specific demography in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus). Our …
Sea ice predicts long‐term trends in Adélie penguin population growth, but not annual fluctuations: Results from a range‐wide multiscale analysis
Understanding the scales at which environmental variability affects populations is critical for
projecting population dynamics and species distributions in rapidly changing environments …
projecting population dynamics and species distributions in rapidly changing environments …
Antarctic food web architecture under varying dynamics of sea ice cover
Abstract In the Ross Sea, biodiversity organisation is strongly influenced by sea-ice cover,
which is characterised by marked spatio-temporal variations. Expected changes in seasonal …
which is characterised by marked spatio-temporal variations. Expected changes in seasonal …
Hardship at birth alters the impact of climate change on a long-lived predator
Climate change is increasing the frequency of extreme events, such as droughts or
hurricanes, with substantial impacts on human and wildlife communities. Extreme events …
hurricanes, with substantial impacts on human and wildlife communities. Extreme events …
Chemical threats for the sentinel Pygoscelis adeliae from the Ross Sea (Antarctica): Occurrence and levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), perfluoroalkyl …
Abstract The Ross Sea Marine Protected Area (RS-MPA) hosts endemic species that have to
cope with multiple threats, including chemical contamination. Adèlie penguin is considered …
cope with multiple threats, including chemical contamination. Adèlie penguin is considered …