High birefringence liquid crystals
Liquid crystals, compounds and mixtures with positive dielectric anisotropies are reviewed.
The mesogenic properties and physical chemical properties (viscosity, birefringence …
The mesogenic properties and physical chemical properties (viscosity, birefringence …
Emerging quantum-dots-enhanced LCDs
Quantum dots (QDs)-based backlight greatly enhances the color performance for liquid
crystal displays (LCDs). In this review paper, we start with a brief introduction of QD …
crystal displays (LCDs). In this review paper, we start with a brief introduction of QD …
Dual-color terahertz spatial light modulator for single-pixel imaging
Spatial light modulators (SLM), capable of dynamically and spatially manipulating
electromagnetic waves, have reshaped modern life in projection display and remote …
electromagnetic waves, have reshaped modern life in projection display and remote …
Extended Kerr effect of polymer-stabilized blue-phase liquid crystals
Electric-field-induced birefringence of a polymer-stabilized blue-phase liquid crystal (BPLC)
is investigated. In the low field region, conventional Kerr effect holds. As the electric field …
is investigated. In the low field region, conventional Kerr effect holds. As the electric field …
Polarizer-free and fast response microlens arrays using polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystals
We demonstrate polarizer-free and fast response microlens arrays based on optical phase
modulation of polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal (PSBP-LC). Polarization …
modulation of polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal (PSBP-LC). Polarization …
Polymer-stabilized optically isotropic liquid crystals for next-generation display and photonics applications
Polymer-stabilized optically isotropic liquid crystals, including blue phases, are emerging as
a strong contender for next-generation display technology because they exhibit some …
a strong contender for next-generation display technology because they exhibit some …
A large Kerr constant polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal
A polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal (BPLC) composite with a large Kerr constant
(K∼ 13.7 nm/V 2) is developed and its electro-optic properties characterized. In addition to …
(K∼ 13.7 nm/V 2) is developed and its electro-optic properties characterized. In addition to …
High-efficiency and fast-response tunable phase grating using a blue phase liquid crystal
We demonstrate a tunable phase grating using a polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid
crystal. Because of the electric-field-induced rectangularlike phase profile, a high diffraction …
crystal. Because of the electric-field-induced rectangularlike phase profile, a high diffraction …
Chiral structures and defects of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals induced by saddle-splay elasticity
An experimental and theoretical study of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals (LCLCs)
confined in cylinders with degenerate planar boundary conditions elucidates LCLC director …
confined in cylinders with degenerate planar boundary conditions elucidates LCLC director …
A low voltage and submillisecond-response polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal
We report a polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystal (BPLC) whose Kerr constant is
about 2.2× larger than previous record. When filled in a 3.2-μm-thick vertical field switching …
about 2.2× larger than previous record. When filled in a 3.2-μm-thick vertical field switching …