Improving sulfate and chloride resistance in eco-friendly marine concrete: Alkali-activated slag system with mineral admixtures
Q Li, Z Ren, X Su, Y Feng, T Xu, Z Zheng, Y Liu… - … and Building Materials, 2024 - Elsevier
This study investigates the effects of various mineral admixtures, such as fly ash, metakaolin,
and limestone powder, on the mechanical, chloride, and sulfate resistance properties of …
and limestone powder, on the mechanical, chloride, and sulfate resistance properties of …
Chloride binding of alkali-activated slag/fly ash cements
In this study, the effects of slag/fly ash ratio, Na 2 O concentration, silicate modulus of
activators and water/binder ratio on chloride binding of alkali-activated slag/fly ash cements …
activators and water/binder ratio on chloride binding of alkali-activated slag/fly ash cements …
Chloride-binding capacity of cement-GGBFS-nanosilica composites under seawater chloride-rich environment
The effects of granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) and nano-silica (NS) on the chloride-
binding capacity of cement paste after 6-month exposure to seawater chloride-rich solutions …
binding capacity of cement paste after 6-month exposure to seawater chloride-rich solutions …
The location analysis and efficient control of hidden coal spontaneous combustion disaster in coal mine goaf: A case study
Z Ma, B Qin, Q Shi, T Zhu, X Chen, H Liu - Process Safety and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Coal spontaneous combustion significantly threatens the mine production safety. This paper
focuses on the practical aspects of the disaster within the sealed goaf of **mei No. 11 …
focuses on the practical aspects of the disaster within the sealed goaf of **mei No. 11 …
Evaluation and optimization of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) subjected to harsh ocean environment: Towards an application of Layered Double …
In this study, the feasibility of improving the durability of Ultra-High Performance Concrete
(UHPC) by incorporating calcined Layered Double Hydroxides (C-LDHs) was investigated …
(UHPC) by incorporating calcined Layered Double Hydroxides (C-LDHs) was investigated …
Resistance of Concretes to External Chlorides in the Presence and Absence of Sulphates: A Review
Corrosion of steel reinforcement due to chloride attack remains a major reinforced concrete
durability concern. The problem is prevalent for concrete structures located within marine …
durability concern. The problem is prevalent for concrete structures located within marine …
Chloride binding mechanism in seawater-mixed UHPC
The rapid development of marine concrete structures and the sharp shortage of freshwater
resources contribute to the wide investigation of seawater-mixed ultra-high-performance …
resources contribute to the wide investigation of seawater-mixed ultra-high-performance …
Physically and chemically bound chlorides in hydrated cement pastes: a comparison study of the effects of silica fume and metakaolin
Y Guo, T Zhang, W Tian, J Wei, Q Yu - Journal of Materials Science, 2019 - Springer
Increasing the chloride binding capacity of hydration products is an effective
countermeasure to improve the chloride resistance of cement-based materials. The alumina …
countermeasure to improve the chloride resistance of cement-based materials. The alumina …
Chloride binding of early CO2-cured Portland cement-fly ash-GGBS ternary pastes
This paper compared the chloride binding of Portland cement pastes with and without early
CO 2 curing and examined the effects of FA and GGBS on the chloride binding of early CO 2 …
CO 2 curing and examined the effects of FA and GGBS on the chloride binding of early CO 2 …
Influence of seawater and blast furnace cement employment on recycled aggregate concretes' properties
Recycled aggregates of mixed composition (MRA) may exhibit great variability in their
properties, which in turn reduces their applicability. This study intends to extend the use of …
properties, which in turn reduces their applicability. This study intends to extend the use of …