Wearable inertial sensors for human movement analysis: a five-year update
Introduction The aim of the present review is to track the evolution of wearable IMUs from
their use in supervised laboratory-and ambulatory-based settings to their application for long …
their use in supervised laboratory-and ambulatory-based settings to their application for long …
Musculoskeletal disorders in construction: A review and a novel system for activity tracking with body area network
Human body motions have been analysed for decades with a view on enhancing
occupational well-being and performance of workers. On-going progresses in miniaturised …
occupational well-being and performance of workers. On-going progresses in miniaturised …
A survey on activity detection and classification using wearable sensors
Activity detection and classification are very important for autonomous monitoring of humans
for applications, including assistive living, rehabilitation, and surveillance. Wearable sensors …
for applications, including assistive living, rehabilitation, and surveillance. Wearable sensors …
Enabling technologies for operator 4.0: A survey
The fast development of smart sensors and wearable devices has provided the opportunity
to develop intelligent operator workspaces. The resultant Human-Cyber-Physical Systems …
to develop intelligent operator workspaces. The resultant Human-Cyber-Physical Systems …
ANN-based automated scaffold builder activity recognition through wearable EMG and IMU sensors
Construction worker activity recognition is essential for worker performance and safety
assessment. With the development of wearable sensing technologies, many researchers …
assessment. With the development of wearable sensing technologies, many researchers …
Comparison of data preprocessing approaches for applying deep learning to human activity recognition in the context of industry 4.0
According to the Industry 4.0 paradigm, all objects in a factory, including people, are
equipped with communication capabilities and integrated into cyber-physical systems …
equipped with communication capabilities and integrated into cyber-physical systems …
Physiolytics at the workplace: Affordances and constraints of wearables use from an employee's perspective
Wearables paired with data analytics and machine learning algorithms that measure
physiological (and other) parameters are slowly finding their way into our workplace …
physiological (and other) parameters are slowly finding their way into our workplace …
Digital twin-enabled Graduation Intelligent Manufacturing System for fixed-position assembly islands
The layout of fixed-position assembly islands is widely used in the heavy equipment
industry, where the product remains at one assembly island for its entire assembly period …
industry, where the product remains at one assembly island for its entire assembly period …
Automated action recognition using an accelerometer-embedded wristband-type activity tracker
Automated worker action recognition helps to understand the state of workers' actions,
enabling effective management of work performance in terms of productivity, safety, and …
enabling effective management of work performance in terms of productivity, safety, and …
Hierarchical, multi-sensor based classification of daily life activities: comparison with state-of-the-art algorithms using a benchmark dataset
Insufficient physical activity is the 4th leading risk factor for mortality. Methods for assessing
the individual daily life activity (DLA) are of major interest in order to monitor the current …
the individual daily life activity (DLA) are of major interest in order to monitor the current …