Colloquium: Spintronics in graphene and other two-dimensional materials
After the first unequivocal demonstration of spin transport in graphene [Tombros et al.,
Nature (London) 448, 571–574 (2007)], surprisingly at room temperature, it was quickly …
Nature (London) 448, 571–574 (2007)], surprisingly at room temperature, it was quickly …
Strain engineering in semiconducting two-dimensional crystals
One of the fascinating properties of the new families of two-dimensional crystals is their high
stretchability and the possibility to use external strain to manipulate, in a controlled manner …
stretchability and the possibility to use external strain to manipulate, in a controlled manner …
Ag2Se/SnTe nanorod as potential candidate for energy conversion system developed via hydrothermal route
It is vital to develop an effective energy storage system for storing energy sources,
particularly renewable energy sources, which have grown substantially in the preceding …
particularly renewable energy sources, which have grown substantially in the preceding …
k· p theory for two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors
We presentk p· Hamiltonians parametrized byab initiodensity functional theory calculations
to describe the dispersion of the valence and conduction bands at their extrema (theK, Q, Γ …
to describe the dispersion of the valence and conduction bands at their extrema (theK, Q, Γ …
Production of highly monolayer enriched dispersions of liquid-exfoliated nanosheets by liquid cascade centrifugation
While liquid exfoliation is a powerful technique to produce defect-free nanosheets in large
quantities, its usefulness is limited by broad nanosheet thickness distributions and low …
quantities, its usefulness is limited by broad nanosheet thickness distributions and low …
Systematic study of electronic structure and band alignment of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides in Van der Waals heterostructures
Two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are promising low-dimensional
materials which can produce diverse electronic properties and band alignment in van der …
materials which can produce diverse electronic properties and band alignment in van der …
Ultra-strong nonlinear optical processes and trigonal war** in MoS2 layers
Nonlinear optical processes, such as harmonic generation, are of great interest for various
applications, eg, microscopy, therapy, and frequency conversion. However, high-order …
applications, eg, microscopy, therapy, and frequency conversion. However, high-order …
Novel effects of strains in graphene and other two dimensional materials
The analysis of the electronic properties of strained or lattice deformed graphene combines
ideas from classical condensed matter physics, soft matter, and geometrical aspects of …
ideas from classical condensed matter physics, soft matter, and geometrical aspects of …
Ab initio tight-binding Hamiltonian for transition metal dichalcogenides
We present an accurate ab initio tight-binding Hamiltonian for the transition metal
dichalcogenides, MoS 2, MoSe 2, WS 2, WSe 2, with a minimal basis (the d orbitals for the …
dichalcogenides, MoS 2, MoSe 2, WS 2, WSe 2, with a minimal basis (the d orbitals for the …
Theory of strain in single-layer transition metal dichalcogenides
Strain engineering has emerged as a powerful tool to modify the optical and electronic
properties of two-dimensional crystals. Here we perform a systematic study of strained …
properties of two-dimensional crystals. Here we perform a systematic study of strained …