[HTML][HTML] Risk factors in street food practices in develo** countries: A review
Street food trading solves major social and economic problems in develo** countries
through the provision of ready-made meals at relatively inexpensive prices and employment …
through the provision of ready-made meals at relatively inexpensive prices and employment …
Food safety perspectives and practices of consumers and vendors in Nigeria: A review
The purpose of this review is to explore prior research on the food safety perspectives and
practices of consumers and vendors in Nigeria, Africa's most populous country. Through a …
practices of consumers and vendors in Nigeria, Africa's most populous country. Through a …
Consumer ethnocentric behavior and food choices in develo** countries: The case of Nigeria
With rising incomes and urbanization, diets across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have
diversified in source and form, encompassing more processed and packaged foods. While …
diversified in source and form, encompassing more processed and packaged foods. While …
[HTML][HTML] Improving food safety culture in Nigeria: A review of practical issues
As a develo** nation and the most populous nation in Africa, Nigeria has enormous
challenges connected with food safety culture. To produce and provide safe, secure and …
challenges connected with food safety culture. To produce and provide safe, secure and …
Consumer awareness and willingness to pay for safety of street foods in develo** countries: a review
Street food vending is still popular in develo** countries despite the giant stride recorded
in the areas of food processing and global food supply in the last century. Its contribution to …
in the areas of food processing and global food supply in the last century. Its contribution to …
Bacteriological quality and public health risk of ready-to-eat foods in develo** countries: systematic review and meta analysis
Background: Ready-to-eat foods are foods that are consumed at the point of sale or later,
without any further processing or treatment. Foodborne diseases are on the rise worldwide …
without any further processing or treatment. Foodborne diseases are on the rise worldwide …
Microbial quality of ready-to-eat vegetable salads vended in the central business district of Tamale, Ghana
Background Food safety problems still persist across the globe and remain a challenge to
the general public and government. The study determined the microbiological quality of pre …
the general public and government. The study determined the microbiological quality of pre …
Food safety and microbiological hazards associated with retail meat at butchery outlets in north-central Nigeria
Increase in the occurrence of foodborne pathogens and attendant diseases from street-
vended meat across develo** countries is a cause for global concern. High vulnerability of …
vended meat across develo** countries is a cause for global concern. High vulnerability of …
[PDF][PDF] Street food consumption and associated health risk
AS Mohammed, MZ Shehasen - International Journal of Research …, 2020 - researchgate.net
Street foods are ready to eat food or drink/beverages sold on the street, in a market, fair, park
or other public place orfood available in a public place, such as from a vendor on a street. It …
or other public place orfood available in a public place, such as from a vendor on a street. It …
[HTML][HTML] A critical assessment of the current state and governance of the UNESCO cultural heritage site in cartagena de Indias, Colombia
The port, fortresses, and monuments of Cartagena were included in the UNESCO World
Heritage list in 1984. Nevertheless, since 2017 they are threatened to be categorized as “in …
Heritage list in 1984. Nevertheless, since 2017 they are threatened to be categorized as “in …