CH4 and N2O Emissions From Cattle Excreta: A Review of Main Drivers and Mitigation Strategies in Grazing Systems
JE Rivera, J Chará - Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2021 -
Cattle production systems are an important source of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted to
the atmosphere. Animal manure and managed soils are the most important sources of …
the atmosphere. Animal manure and managed soils are the most important sources of …
[HTML][HTML] Modeling historical land cover and land use: a review from contemporary modeling
Spatially-explicit land cover land use change (LCLUC) models are becoming increasingly
useful tools for historians and archaeologists. Such kinds of models have been developed …
useful tools for historians and archaeologists. Such kinds of models have been developed …
Impacto de la actividad ganadera sobre el suelo en Colombia
MAM Marín, LR Pescador, LR Ramos… - Ingeniería y …, 2017 -
Este artículo de revisión documental denominado impacto de la actividad ganadera sobre el
suelo en Colombia, proporciona la recopilación histórica del desenvolvimiento de esta …
suelo en Colombia, proporciona la recopilación histórica del desenvolvimiento de esta …
[HTML][HTML] Sistemas silvopastoriles: alternativa en la mitigación y adaptaciónde la producción bovina al cambio climático
ME Buitrago-Guillen, LA Ospina-Daza… - … Científico. Centro de …, 2018 -
El deterioro de los recursos naturales y el calentamiento global generado por la mayor
concentración en la atmósfera de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) han puesto en riesgo …
concentración en la atmósfera de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) han puesto en riesgo …
Organic farming as a strategy to reduce carbon footprint in dehesa agroecosystems: A case study comparing different livestock products
Simple Summary This paper attempts to analyze the impact of organic livestock farming in
dehesas through the analysis and review of the carbon footprint of seven extensive organic …
dehesas through the analysis and review of the carbon footprint of seven extensive organic …
On (Dis) Connections and transformations: the role of the agricultural innovation system in the adoption of improved forages in Colombia
K Enciso, N Triana, M Díaz, S Burkart - Frontiers in Sustainable Food …, 2022 -
Feeding improvement strategies are key in increasing cattle productivity and reducing its
environmental footprint. Nevertheless, Colombian tropical cattle systems still feature serious …
environmental footprint. Nevertheless, Colombian tropical cattle systems still feature serious …
[PDF][PDF] Estudio de los sistemas silvopastoriles como alternativa para el manejo sostenible de la ganadería
SP Arciniegas-Torres, DF Flórez-Delgado - Ciencia y agricultura, 2018 -
Se evaluaron residuos agroindustriales de zanahoria con suero de leche para elaborar
bioensilaje para vacas. Se efectuaron análisis físicos, bromatológicos y microbiológicos. Se …
bioensilaje para vacas. Se efectuaron análisis físicos, bromatológicos y microbiológicos. Se …
[HTML][HTML] Does carbon footprint play a relevant role in food consumer behaviour? A focus on Spanish beef
Carbon footprint has become a reference indicator of the environmental impact of food
production. Governments are increasingly demanding a trend towards low-carbon-footprint …
production. Governments are increasingly demanding a trend towards low-carbon-footprint …
Assessing sustainability in cattle silvopastoral systems in the Mexican tropics using the SAFA framework
Simple Summary Cattle production is associated with deforestation in tropical Mexico.
Silvopastoral systems have been proposed as a feasible alternative for sustainable livestock …
Silvopastoral systems have been proposed as a feasible alternative for sustainable livestock …
Intensive silvopastoral systems: economics and contribution to climate change mitigation and public policies
Abstract Intensive Silvopastoral Systems (ISPS) are agroforestry arrangements that combine
high-density cultivation of fodder shrubs (4000–40,000 plants ha− 1) with improved tropical …
high-density cultivation of fodder shrubs (4000–40,000 plants ha− 1) with improved tropical …