CH4 and N2O Emissions From Cattle Excreta: A Review of Main Drivers and Mitigation Strategies in Grazing Systems

JE Rivera, J Chará - Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2021 -
Cattle production systems are an important source of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted to
the atmosphere. Animal manure and managed soils are the most important sources of …

[HTML][HTML] Modeling historical land cover and land use: a review from contemporary modeling

LA Chang-Martínez, JF Mas… - … International Journal of …, 2015 -
Spatially-explicit land cover land use change (LCLUC) models are becoming increasingly
useful tools for historians and archaeologists. Such kinds of models have been developed …

Impacto de la actividad ganadera sobre el suelo en Colombia

MAM Marín, LR Pescador, LR Ramos… - Ingeniería y …, 2017 -
Este artículo de revisión documental denominado impacto de la actividad ganadera sobre el
suelo en Colombia, proporciona la recopilación histórica del desenvolvimiento de esta …

[HTML][HTML] Sistemas silvopastoriles: alternativa en la mitigación y adaptaciónde la producción bovina al cambio climático

ME Buitrago-Guillen, LA Ospina-Daza… - … Científico. Centro de …, 2018 -
El deterioro de los recursos naturales y el calentamiento global generado por la mayor
concentración en la atmósfera de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) han puesto en riesgo …

Organic farming as a strategy to reduce carbon footprint in dehesa agroecosystems: A case study comparing different livestock products

A Horrillo, P Gaspar, M Escribano - Animals, 2020 -
Simple Summary This paper attempts to analyze the impact of organic livestock farming in
dehesas through the analysis and review of the carbon footprint of seven extensive organic …

On (Dis) Connections and transformations: the role of the agricultural innovation system in the adoption of improved forages in Colombia

K Enciso, N Triana, M Díaz, S Burkart - Frontiers in Sustainable Food …, 2022 -
Feeding improvement strategies are key in increasing cattle productivity and reducing its
environmental footprint. Nevertheless, Colombian tropical cattle systems still feature serious …

[PDF][PDF] Estudio de los sistemas silvopastoriles como alternativa para el manejo sostenible de la ganadería

SP Arciniegas-Torres, DF Flórez-Delgado - Ciencia y agricultura, 2018 -
Se evaluaron residuos agroindustriales de zanahoria con suero de leche para elaborar
bioensilaje para vacas. Se efectuaron análisis físicos, bromatológicos y microbiológicos. Se …

[HTML][HTML] Does carbon footprint play a relevant role in food consumer behaviour? A focus on Spanish beef

O Lami, FJ Mesías, C Balas, C Díaz-Caro, M Escribano… - Foods, 2022 -
Carbon footprint has become a reference indicator of the environmental impact of food
production. Governments are increasingly demanding a trend towards low-carbon-footprint …

Assessing sustainability in cattle silvopastoral systems in the Mexican tropics using the SAFA framework

F Pérez-Lombardini, KF Mancera, G Suzán, J Campo… - Animals, 2021 -
Simple Summary Cattle production is associated with deforestation in tropical Mexico.
Silvopastoral systems have been proposed as a feasible alternative for sustainable livestock …

Intensive silvopastoral systems: economics and contribution to climate change mitigation and public policies

J Chará, J Rivera, R Barahona, E Murgueitio R… - … conservation and food …, 2017 - Springer
Abstract Intensive Silvopastoral Systems (ISPS) are agroforestry arrangements that combine
high-density cultivation of fodder shrubs (4000–40,000 plants ha− 1) with improved tropical …