An eco-driving algorithm based on vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communications for signalized intersections

P Sun, D Nam, R Jayakrishnan, W ** - Transportation Research Part C …, 2022 - Elsevier
Efficient operations of traffic signals are of critical importance in urban areas, as signalized
intersections prevent the smooth flow of traffic and cause delays. This paper devises an eco …

Using high-resolution event-based data for traffic modeling and control: An overview

X Wu, HX Liu - Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 2014 - Elsevier
Research on using high-resolution event-based data for traffic modeling and control is still at
early stage. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview on what has been …

Deriving operational traffic signal performance measures from vehicle trajectory data

E Saldivar-Carranza, H Li, J Mathew… - Transportation …, 2021 -
Operations-oriented traffic signal performance measures are important for identifying the
need for retiming to improve traffic signal operations. Currently, most traffic signal …

Optimization of traffic signal offsets with high resolution event data

CM Day, DM Bullock - Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A …, 2020 -
Recently, high-resolution data has emerged as an economical means of obtaining detailed
information about signal operations. This has enabled the development of metrics to …

A piecewise trajectory optimization model for connected automated vehicles: Exact optimization algorithm and queue propagation analysis

X Li, A Ghiasi, Z Xu, X Qu - Transportation Research Part B …, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper formulates a simplified traffic smoothing model for guiding movements of
connected automated vehicles on a general one-lane highway segment. Adapted from the …

Prediction of vehicle occupants injury at signalized intersections using real-time traffic and signal data

E Kidando, AE Kitali, B Kutela, M Ghorbanzadeh… - Accident Analysis & …, 2021 - Elsevier
Intersections are among the most dangerous roadway facilities due to the existence of
complex movements of traffic. Most of the previous intersection safety studies are conducted …

Adaptive and multi-path progression signal control under connected vehicle environment

Q Wang, Y Yuan, XT Yang, Z Huang - Transportation Research Part C …, 2021 - Elsevier
Through wireless communications, enriched information from connected vehicles (CVs) can
describe traffic information near an intersection and would supplement a data source for an …

Detector-free optimization of traffic signal offsets with connected vehicle data

CM Day, H Li, LM Richardson… - Transportation …, 2017 -
Signal offset optimization recently has been shown to be feasible with vehicle trajectory data
at low levels of market penetration. Offset optimization was performed on two corridors with …

[PDF][PDF] Big data applications for managing roadways

JK Mathew, JC Desai, RS Sakhare, W Kim… - Institute of …, 2021 -
During the past decade, there were a variety of probe vehicle data sources receiving
widespread deployment, ranging from roadside Bluetooth and Wi-Fi sensors to …

Characterizing traffic-signal performance and corridor reliability using crowd-sourced probe vehicle trajectories

JM Waddell, SM Remias, JN Kirsch - Journal of Transportation …, 2020 -
Performance measures offer an essential management tool for transportation engineers to
make decisions along signalized corridors. Current signal performance strategies assess …