Designing with distance fields

SF Frisken, RN Perry - ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Courses, 2006 -
Distance fields provide an implicit representation of shape that has advantages in many
application areas; in this overview, we focus on their use in digital design. Distance fields …

Interactive multiresolution hair modeling and editing

TY Kim, U Neumann - ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 2002 -
Human hair modeling is a difficult task. This paper presents a constructive hair modeling
system with which users can sculpt a wide variety of hairstyles. Our Multiresolution Hair …

Visualization with stylized line primitives

C Stoll, S Gumhold, HP Seidel - VIS 05. IEEE Visualization …, 2005 -
Line primitives are a very powerful visual attribute used for scientific visualization and in
particular for 3D vector-field visualization. We extend the basic line primitives with additional …

Implicit modeling of patient‐specific aortic dissections with elliptic Fourier descriptors

G Mistelbauer, C Rössl, K Bäumler… - Computer graphics …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Aortic dissection is a life‐threatening vascular disease characterized by abrupt formation of
a new flow channel (false lumen) within the aortic wall. Survivors of the acute phase remain …

[PDF][PDF] Epipolar Methods for Multi-View Sketching.

OA Karpenko, JF Hughes, R Raskar - SBM, 2004 - Citeseer
Single view sketch-based modelers like SKETCH and Teddy can be powerful tools, but
sometimes their inferences are inadequate: in Teddy, for example, if one draws an animal …

[KNYGA][B] Modeling, rendering and animating human hair

TY Kim - 2002 -
As computer generated virtual humans become ubiquitous in many areas such as virtual
agents, avatars in virtual worlds, and characters in games, these create strong demands for …

Image‐Swept Volumes

AS Winter, M Chen - Computer Graphics Forum, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
Many graphical objects can be represented by swept volumes (including its subset—
generalised cylinders) by swee** 2D or 3D templates along 3D trajectories. In this paper …

Shape morphing of complex geometries using partial differential equations.

G Gonzalez Castro, H Ugail - 2007 -
An alternative technique for shape morphing using a surface generating method using
partial differential equations is outlined throughout this work. The boundaryvalue nature that …

Surface editing using swept surface 3D models

X Wang, J Qin - EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing, 2017 - Springer
This paper presents a system for editing strip-like patches on the mesh using swept surface.
The user first selects a rough cylinder-like region, the boundary of which is automatically …

[PDF][PDF] Londra, a dog facial animation model

AAN Newball - 1971 - Citeseer
Library Declaration Form University of Otago Library Author’s full name and year of birth:
ANDRES ADOLFO NAVARRO NEWBALL, (for Page 1 Library Declaration Form SAPERE-AUDE …