Real-time clustering and multi-target tracking using event-based sensors

F Barranco, C Fermuller, E Ros - 2018 IEEE/RSJ International …, 2018 -
Clustering is crucial for many computer vision applications such as robust tracking, object
detection and segmentation. This work presents a real-time clustering technique that takes …

[HTML][HTML] Human height estimation by color deep learning and depth 3D conversion

D Lee, J Kim, SC Jeong, S Kwon - Applied Sciences, 2020 -
In this study, an estimation method for human height is proposed using color and depth
information. Color images are used for deep learning by mask R-CNN to detect a human …

Experimental procedure for the metrological characterization of time-of-flight cameras for human body 3D measurements

S Pasinetti, C Nuzzi, A Luchetti, M Zanetti, M Lancini… - Sensors, 2023 -
Time-of-flight cameras are widely adopted in a variety of indoor applications ranging from
industrial object measurement to human activity recognition. However, the available …

Model-based approach for automatic generation of hardware architectures for robotics

A Podlubne, J Mey, R Schöne, U Aßmann… - IEEE …, 2021 -
Increasingly complex robotic platforms incorporate heterogeneous sensors and actuators.
They are usually coupled with embedded computers but relying on software solutions not …

Efficient depth data coding method based on plane modeling for intra prediction

DS Lee, BG Kim, SK Kwon - IEEE Access, 2021 -
In this article, we propose a depth data coding method by plane modeling. The plane
modeling is a prediction method based on a plane estimation from depth pixels in a block …

Intra Prediction Method by Quadric Surface Modeling for Depth Video

D Lee, S Kwon - Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information …, 2022 -
In this paper, we propose an intra-picture prediction method by a quadratic surface modeling
method for depth video coding. The pixels of depth video are transformed to 3D coordinates …

Ms3d: Mean-shift object tracking boosted by joint back projection of color and depth

Y Zhao, E Menegatti - Intelligent Autonomous Systems 15: Proceedings of …, 2019 - Springer
In this paper, we present MS3D tracker, which extends the mean-shift tracking algorithm in
several ways when RGB-D data is available. We fuse color and depth distribution efficiently …

Multi-target objects and complex color recognition model based on humanoid robot

LH Juang - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022 - Springer
This research mainly focuses on the humanoid robot's recognition model for the multiple
targets and complex color. The purpose of this research is to apply visual detection …

[CARTE][B] Planung und Simulation taktiler, intelligenter und kollaborativer Roboterfähigkeiten in der Montage

M Metzner - 2023 -
Planung und Simulation taktiler, intelligenter und kollaborativer Roboterfähigkeiten in der
Montage Page 1 Maximilan Metzner Planung und Simulation taktiler, intelligenter und …

[PDF][PDF] Model-based Approach for Automatic Generation of Hardware Architectures for Robotics

Increasingly complex robotic platforms incorporate heterogeneous sensors and actuators.
They are usually coupled with embedded computers but relying on software solutions not …