[HTML][HTML] The dynamic functional connectome: State-of-the-art and perspectives
Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has highlighted the rich
structure of brain activity in absence of a task or stimulus. A great effort has been dedicated …
structure of brain activity in absence of a task or stimulus. A great effort has been dedicated …
Classification and prediction of brain disorders using functional connectivity: promising but challenging
Brain functional imaging data, especially functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
data, have been employed to reflect functional integration of the brain. Alteration in brain …
data, have been employed to reflect functional integration of the brain. Alteration in brain …
The chronnectome: time-varying connectivity networks as the next frontier in fMRI data discovery
Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth of interest in moving functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) beyond simple scan-length averages and into approaches that …
resonance imaging (fMRI) beyond simple scan-length averages and into approaches that …
[HTML][HTML] Can sliding-window correlations reveal dynamic functional connectivity in resting-state fMRI?
During the last several years, the focus of research on resting-state functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) has shifted from the analysis of functional connectivity averaged …
resonance imaging (fMRI) has shifted from the analysis of functional connectivity averaged …
On spurious and real fluctuations of dynamic functional connectivity during rest
Functional brain networks reconfigure spontaneously during rest. Such network dynamics
can be studied by dynamic functional connectivity (dynFC); ie, sliding-window correlations …
can be studied by dynamic functional connectivity (dynFC); ie, sliding-window correlations …
Learning Laplacian matrix in smooth graph signal representations
The construction of a meaningful graph plays a crucial role in the success of many graph-
based representations and algorithms for handling structured data, especially in the …
based representations and algorithms for handling structured data, especially in the …
The dynamic pain connectome
Traditionally, studies of how pain and attention modulate one another involved explicit
cognitive-state manipulations. However, emerging evidence suggests that spontaneous …
cognitive-state manipulations. However, emerging evidence suggests that spontaneous …
Machine learning in resting-state fMRI analysis
Abstract Machine learning techniques have gained prominence for the analysis of resting-
state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI) data. Here, we present an overview …
state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI) data. Here, we present an overview …
State-space model with deep learning for functional dynamics estimation in resting-state fMRI
Studies on resting-state functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI) have shown that
different brain regions still actively interact with each other while a subject is at rest, and …
different brain regions still actively interact with each other while a subject is at rest, and …
The quest for identifiability in human functional connectomes
The evaluation of the individual “fingerprint” of a human functional connectome (FC) is
becoming a promising avenue for neuroscientific research, due to its enormous potential …
becoming a promising avenue for neuroscientific research, due to its enormous potential …