Photon-assisted transport in semiconductor nanostructures

G Platero, R Aguado - Physics Reports, 2004 - Elsevier
In this review we focus on electronic transport through semiconductor nanostructures which
are driven by ac fields. Along the review we describe the available experimental information …

Semiconductor superlattices: a model system for nonlinear transport

A Wacker - Physics Reports, 2002 - Elsevier
Electric transport in semiconductor superlattices is dominated by pronounced negative
differential conductivity. In this report, the standard transport theories for superlattices, ie …

[BOK][B] Intense terahertz excitation of semiconductors

S Ganichev, W Prettl - 2005 -
Intense Terahertz Excitation of Semiconductors presents the first comprehensive treatment
of high-power terahertz applications to semiconductors and low-dimensional semiconductor …

[BOK][B] Nonlinear spatio-temporal dynamics and chaos in semiconductors

E Schöll - 2001 -
Nonlinear transport phenomena are an increasingly important aspect of modern
semiconductor research. This volume deals with complex nonlinear dynamics, pattern …

Non-linear dynamics of semiconductor superlattices

LL Bonilla, HT Grahn - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2005 -
In the last decade, non-linear dynamical transport in semiconductor superlattices (SLs) has
witnessed significant progress in theoretical descriptions as well as in experimentally …

Half-negative Poisson's ratio in graphene+ with intrinsic Dirac nodal loop

L Yu, Z Qin, H Wang, X Zheng, G Qin - Cell Reports Physical Science, 2022 -
Carbon materials have attracted extensive attention in the past decades due to the rich
configurations and outstanding properties. Numerous efforts have been dedicated to …

Simple model for multistability and domain formation in semiconductor superlattices

F Prengel, A Wacker, E Schöll - Physical Review B, 1994 - APS
Negative differential conductivity is a well-known effect in semiconductor superlattices if a
voltage is applied perpendicular to the layer structure. For highly doped superlattices, the …

Photon-assisted electric field domains and multiphoton-assisted tunneling in semiconductor superlattices

BJ Keay, SJ Allen Jr, J Galán, JP Kaminski… - Physical review …, 1995 - APS
We report the first observation of photon-assisted tunneling induced electric field domains,
terahertz multiphoton-assisted tunneling, and an oscillatory dependence of the photon …

Synchronization and chaos induced by resonant tunneling in GaAs/AlAs superlattices

Y Zhang, J Kastrup, R Klann, KH Ploog, HT Grahn - Physical review letters, 1996 - APS
A semiconductor superlattice represents an ideal one-dimensional nonlinear dynamical
system with a large number of degrees of freedom. The effective nonlinear coupling …

Resonant second-order nonlinear optical processes in quantum cascade lasers

N Owschimikow, C Gmachl, A Belyanin… - Physical review …, 2003 - APS
We demonstrate an efficient intracavity nonlinear interaction of laser modes in a specially
adapted quantum cascade laser. A two-wavelength quantum cascade laser structure …