Ballistic ceramics and analysis of their mechanical properties for armour applications: A review
The most commonly used ballistic ceramics (alumina, silicon carbide, and boron carbide)
are compared via various performance mechanisms in this review. This work aimed to study …
are compared via various performance mechanisms in this review. This work aimed to study …
Ballistic resistant body armor: contemporary and prospective materials and related protection mechanisms
Modern military operations, technology-driven war tactics, and current on-street weapons
and ammunition necessitate the development of advanced ballistic protection body armor …
and ammunition necessitate the development of advanced ballistic protection body armor …
Review of ballistic performance of alumina: Comparison of alumina with silicon carbide and boron carbide
MS Boldin, NN Berendeev, NV Melekhin, AA Popov… - Ceramics …, 2021 - Elsevier
Ceramic armour materials are designated to protect personnel and vehicles against ballistic
damage. The main effort is now focused on develo** ceramics with difficult-to-obtain …
damage. The main effort is now focused on develo** ceramics with difficult-to-obtain …
Mechanical and optical properties of MgAl2O4 ceramics and ballistic efficiency of spinel based armour
This study was devoted to the understanding of the influence of MgAl 2 O 4 ceramic
properties on their ballistic performances. By modifying the processing parameters, ceramics …
properties on their ballistic performances. By modifying the processing parameters, ceramics …
Numerical simulation of ballistic impact behavior of bio-inspired scale-like protection system
The teleost fish scales, such as Grass Carp and Cyprinoid, characterize hierarchical
structure which usually consists of a hard bony outer layer and a soft inner cross-ply of …
structure which usually consists of a hard bony outer layer and a soft inner cross-ply of …
[PDF][PDF] Recent trends in ballistic protection
There has been a tremendous improvement in the design of ballistic protective materials,
which have been in use from time immemorial. Developments in the technology of …
which have been in use from time immemorial. Developments in the technology of …
Breaking behavior and stress distribution of T12A hard steel core penetrating ceramic/aluminum alloy lightweight composite armor
Y Wu, X Wang, M Ma, Y Yu, W Lu, B Wang… - Materials Today …, 2023 - Elsevier
The armor-piercing incendiary (API) round inflicts significant damage to light armor. This
article conducts penetration experiments on lightweight ceramic composite armor using 12.7 …
article conducts penetration experiments on lightweight ceramic composite armor using 12.7 …
Numerical analysis of ballistic impact performance of two ceramic-based armor structures
This paper investigates ballistic performance of two different ceramic-based armor designs
using finite element analysis. The first design is a bi-layer armor consists of a ceramic front …
using finite element analysis. The first design is a bi-layer armor consists of a ceramic front …
On the comparison of the ballistic performance of steel and laminated composite armors
Steels have been widely used as armor materials in defense applications, but they have the
disadvantage of a relatively high density. Hence, they are not suitable for lightweight armor …
disadvantage of a relatively high density. Hence, they are not suitable for lightweight armor …
Dynamic indentation response of fine‐grained boron carbide
Boron carbide disks with three different grain sizes were consolidated from submicrometer‐
sized boron carbide powder using the plasma pressure compaction technique. Static and …
sized boron carbide powder using the plasma pressure compaction technique. Static and …