Ballistic ceramics and analysis of their mechanical properties for armour applications: A review

AB Dresch, J Venturini, S Arcaro, ORK Montedo… - Ceramics …, 2021 - Elsevier
The most commonly used ballistic ceramics (alumina, silicon carbide, and boron carbide)
are compared via various performance mechanisms in this review. This work aimed to study …

Ballistic resistant body armor: contemporary and prospective materials and related protection mechanisms

NV David, XL Gao, JQ Zheng - 2009 -
Modern military operations, technology-driven war tactics, and current on-street weapons
and ammunition necessitate the development of advanced ballistic protection body armor …

Review of ballistic performance of alumina: Comparison of alumina with silicon carbide and boron carbide

MS Boldin, NN Berendeev, NV Melekhin, AA Popov… - Ceramics …, 2021 - Elsevier
Ceramic armour materials are designated to protect personnel and vehicles against ballistic
damage. The main effort is now focused on develo** ceramics with difficult-to-obtain …

Mechanical and optical properties of MgAl2O4 ceramics and ballistic efficiency of spinel based armour

C Gajdowski, R d'Elia, N Faderl, J Böhmler… - Ceramics …, 2022 - Elsevier
This study was devoted to the understanding of the influence of MgAl 2 O 4 ceramic
properties on their ballistic performances. By modifying the processing parameters, ceramics …

Numerical simulation of ballistic impact behavior of bio-inspired scale-like protection system

P Liu, D Zhu, Y Yao, J Wang, TQ Bui - Materials & Design, 2016 - Elsevier
The teleost fish scales, such as Grass Carp and Cyprinoid, characterize hierarchical
structure which usually consists of a hard bony outer layer and a soft inner cross-ply of …

[PDF][PDF] Recent trends in ballistic protection

L Wang, S Kanesalingam, R Nayak… - Textiles and Light …, 2014 -
There has been a tremendous improvement in the design of ballistic protective materials,
which have been in use from time immemorial. Developments in the technology of …

Breaking behavior and stress distribution of T12A hard steel core penetrating ceramic/aluminum alloy lightweight composite armor

Y Wu, X Wang, M Ma, Y Yu, W Lu, B Wang… - Materials Today …, 2023 - Elsevier
The armor-piercing incendiary (API) round inflicts significant damage to light armor. This
article conducts penetration experiments on lightweight ceramic composite armor using 12.7 …

Numerical analysis of ballistic impact performance of two ceramic-based armor structures

G Guo, S Alam, LD Peel - Composites Part C: Open Access, 2020 - Elsevier
This paper investigates ballistic performance of two different ceramic-based armor designs
using finite element analysis. The first design is a bi-layer armor consists of a ceramic front …

On the comparison of the ballistic performance of steel and laminated composite armors

M Übeyli, RO Yıldırım, B Ögel - Materials & design, 2007 - Elsevier
Steels have been widely used as armor materials in defense applications, but they have the
disadvantage of a relatively high density. Hence, they are not suitable for lightweight armor …

Dynamic indentation response of fine‐grained boron carbide

D Ghosh, G Subhash, TS Sudarshan… - Journal of the …, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Boron carbide disks with three different grain sizes were consolidated from submicrometer‐
sized boron carbide powder using the plasma pressure compaction technique. Static and …