What we know (and could know) about international environmental agreements

RB Mitchell, LB Andonova, M Axelrod… - Global Environmental …, 2020 - direct.mit.edu
Abstract Initiated in 2002, the International Environmental Agreements Data Base (IEADB)
catalogs the texts, memberships, and design features of over 3,000 multilateral and bilateral …

Relational event modeling

F Bianchi, E Filippi-Mazzola, A Lomi… - Annual Review of …, 2024 - annualreviews.org
Advances in information technology have increased the availability of time-stamped
relational data, such as those produced by email exchanges or interaction through social …

Depressive symptoms are associated with social isolation in face-to-face interaction networks

T Elmer, C Stadtfeld - Scientific reports, 2020 - nature.com
Individuals with depressive symptoms are more likely to be isolated in their social networks,
which can further increase their symptoms. Although social interactions are an important …

Analyzing social networks

Throughout the book, we use empirical examples to illustrate the material. Because social
networks are studied in a variety of traditional academic disciplines, we draw our examples …

Stream graphs and link streams for the modeling of interactions over time

M Latapy, T Viard, C Magnien - Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2018 - Springer
Graph theory provides a language for studying the structure of relations, and it is often used
to study interactions over time too. However, it poorly captures the intrinsically temporal and …

Analyzing social networks using R

Welcome to the world of social network analysis. This book is intended as a general
introduction to doing network research. The focus is on methodology, from research design …

[CARTE][B] The anthropology of epidemics

AH Kelly, F Keck, C Lynteris - 2019 - library.oapen.org
Over the past decades, infectious disease epidemics have come to increasingly pose major
global health challenges to humanity. The Anthropology of Epidemics approaches …

Interactions, actors, and time: Dynamic network actor models for relational events

C Stadtfeld, P Block - Sociological Science, 2017 - sociologicalscience.com
Ample theoretical work on social networks is explicitly or implicitly concerned with the role of
interpersonal interaction. However, empirical studies to date mostly focus on the analysis of …

A theoretical and empirical comparison of the temporal exponential random graph model and the stochastic actor-oriented model

P Leifeld, SJ Cranmer - Network science, 2019 - cambridge.org
The temporal exponential random graph model (TERGM) and the stochastic actor-oriented
model (SAOM, eg, SIENA) are popular models for longitudinal network analysis. We …

Studying organized crime networks: Data sources, boundaries and the limits of structural measures

P Campana, F Varese - Social networks, 2022 - Elsevier
Network studies of organized crime (OC) normally explore two key relational issues: the
internal structure of groups and the interactions among groups. The paper first discusses in …