A neural circuitry that emphasizes spinal feedback generates diverse behaviours of human locomotion
Key points It is often assumed that central pattern generators, which generate rhythmic
patterns without rhythmic inputs, play a key role in the spinal control of human locomotion …
patterns without rhythmic inputs, play a key role in the spinal control of human locomotion …
Optimization‐based full body control for the darpa robotics challenge
S Feng, E Whitman, X ** stabilization
X ** and landing using stance-phase balance
Prior work has addressed control of continuous jum** using touchdown angle from flight,
but greater precision can be obtained by directing individual leaps using liftoff angle from …
but greater precision can be obtained by directing individual leaps using liftoff angle from …
An agile monopedal hop** quadcopter with synergistic hybrid locomotion
Nature abounds with examples of superior mobility through the fusion of aerial and ground
movement. Drawing inspiration from such multimodal locomotion, we introduce a high …
movement. Drawing inspiration from such multimodal locomotion, we introduce a high …
Spring-mass walking with atrias in 3d: Robust gait control spanning zero to 4.3 kph on a heavily underactuated bipedal robot
We present a reduced-order approach for dynamic and efficient bipedal control, culminating
in 3D balancing and walking with ATRIAS, a heavily underactuated bipedal robot. These …
in 3D balancing and walking with ATRIAS, a heavily underactuated bipedal robot. These …
Precision jum** limits from flight-phase control in Salto-1P
We developed a deadbeat foot placement hop** controller for an untethered monopedal
robot, Salto-1P. The controller uses a third order Taylor series approximation to an offline …
robot, Salto-1P. The controller uses a third order Taylor series approximation to an offline …