Deglacial–Holocene Svalbard paleoceanography and evidence of meltwater pulse 1B
Better understanding of deglacial meltwater pulses (MWPs) is imperative for future
predictions of human-induced warming and abrupt sea-level change because of their …
predictions of human-induced warming and abrupt sea-level change because of their …
Mechanisms of Late Pleistocene authigenic Fe–Mn-carbonate formation at the Laptev Sea continental slope (Siberian Arctic)
Study of the microstructure and isotopic composition of authigenic tubule-shaped carbonate
concretions from sediment core PS51/154-11 on the western Laptev Sea continental slope …
concretions from sediment core PS51/154-11 on the western Laptev Sea continental slope …
Post-depositional formation of vivianite-type minerals alters sediment phosphorus records
Phosphorus (P) concentrations in sediments are frequently used to reconstruct past
environmental conditions in freshwater and marine systems, with high values thought to be …
environmental conditions in freshwater and marine systems, with high values thought to be …
An Arctic and Subarctic ostracode database: biogeographic and paleoceanographic applications
L Gemery, TM Cronin, WM Briggs, EM Brouwers… - Hydrobiologia, 2017 - Springer
Abstract A new Arctic Ostracode Database-2015 (AOD-2015) provides census data for 96
species of benthic marine Ostracoda from 1340 modern surface sediments from the Arctic …
species of benthic marine Ostracoda from 1340 modern surface sediments from the Arctic …
Benthic and planktic community changes at the North Siberian margin in response to Atlantic water mass variability since last deglacial times
The eastward penetration of Atlantic-derived water (ADW) into the Eurasian Basin of the
Arctic Ocean was investigated at the western Laptev Sea continental margin for the time …
Arctic Ocean was investigated at the western Laptev Sea continental margin for the time …
Ostracod assemblages in the East Siberian Sea: A comparative study of river-influenced and river-isolated shelf ecosystems
M Zenina, E Ovsepyan, Y Ovsepyan - Quaternary, 2024 - mdpi.com
The East Siberian Sea (ESS) is one of the least studied seas in terms of ostracod fauna.
Ostracods are sensitive organisms to environmental changes, and detailed information on …
Ostracods are sensitive organisms to environmental changes, and detailed information on …
ЯС Овсепян, ЕЕ Талденкова, ХА Баух… - Стратиграфия …, 2015 - elibrary.ru
Настоящая работа является частью мультидисциплинарных исследований колонки
PS51/154-11, отобранной в море Лаптевых, и посвящена изучению бентосных и …
PS51/154-11, отобранной в море Лаптевых, и посвящена изучению бентосных и …
An early to mid-Pleistocene deep Arctic Ocean ostracode fauna with North Atlantic affinities
LH DeNinno, TM Cronin, J Rodriguez-Lazaro… - Palaeogeography …, 2015 - Elsevier
An early to middle Pleistocene ostracode fauna was discovered in sediment core P1-93-AR-
23 (P23, 76.95° N, 155.07° W) from 951 meter water depth from the Northwind Ridge …
23 (P23, 76.95° N, 155.07° W) from 951 meter water depth from the Northwind Ridge …
Environmental evolution of the southern Chukchi Sea in the Holocene
EA Gusev, NY Anikina, LG Derevyanko, TS Klyuvitkina… - Oceanology, 2014 - Springer
The molluscan shells from three drill and two piston cores obtained in the southern Russian
sector of the Chukchi Sea are dated by the AMS 14 C measurement method back to 0.8–3.5 …
sector of the Chukchi Sea are dated by the AMS 14 C measurement method back to 0.8–3.5 …
A Holocene palynological record from the northeastern Laptev Sea and its implications for palaeoenvironmental research
O Rudenko, PE Tarasov, HA Bauch… - Quaternary …, 2014 - Elsevier
A 844 cm long core PS51/118-3 (77° 53.54′ N; 132° 11.92′ E) recovered from the upper
slope (122 m water depth) of the Laptev Sea (Russian Arctic) has been studied for pollen …
slope (122 m water depth) of the Laptev Sea (Russian Arctic) has been studied for pollen …