[HTML][HTML] Earth-to-earth microwave rain attenuation measurements: A survey on the recent literature
Many works have been conducted relevant to rainfall measurements, while the first relevant
ones were based on the power loss estimation function from wireless links located back to …
ones were based on the power loss estimation function from wireless links located back to …
Raindrop size distribution modeling for radio link design along the eastern coast of South Africa
TJO Afullo - Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 2011 - jpier.org
A study of the raindrop size distribution along the eastern coast of South Africa (Durban) is
presented. The Biweight kernel estimator based on distometer measurement is used to …
presented. The Biweight kernel estimator based on distometer measurement is used to …
Seasonal analysis and prediction of rainfall effects in Eastern South Africa at microwave frequencies
Network fade countermeasures for link budget can be better implemented based on the
knowledge of seasonal variability of rainfall attenuation in a locality. Therefore, in this study …
knowledge of seasonal variability of rainfall attenuation in a locality. Therefore, in this study …
[PDF][PDF] Development of a new rain attenuation model for tropical location
This study proposes a new rain attenuation prediction model (RAM) based on the rain cell
concept for tropical locations. The new model addresses the research gap in the …
concept for tropical locations. The new model addresses the research gap in the …
Raindrop size distribution and rainfall attenuation modeling in equatorial and subtropical Africa: the critical diameters
Raindrop sizes were obtained from Butare, Rwanda (2.6° S, 29.74° E) and Durban, South
Africa (29° 52′ S, 30° 58′ E) using the Joss–Waldvogel RD-80 disdrometer. The obtained …
Africa (29° 52′ S, 30° 58′ E) using the Joss–Waldvogel RD-80 disdrometer. The obtained …
Semi-empirical characteristics of modified lognormal DSD inputs using rain rate distributions for radio links over the African continent
AA Alonge - Advances in Space Research, 2021 - Elsevier
Rainfall attenuation mitigation is one of the important design factors considered in the
deployment of outdoor wireless 5G networks, especially in the provision of services …
deployment of outdoor wireless 5G networks, especially in the provision of services …
Regime analysis of rainfall drop-size distribution models for microwave terrestrial networks
In this study, parameters of statistical models for estimating the rainfall specific attenuation in
Durban, South Africa are derived. The rainfall data in this work are based on 2-year …
Durban, South Africa are derived. The rainfall data in this work are based on 2-year …
Computation of spherical and non-spherical raindrop scattering parameters using the Mie and T-matrix models in relation to 5G wireless systems
The knowledge of rain-induced scattering and attenuation parameters is required in the
optimum design of both ground and space-based communication systems. Free-falling …
optimum design of both ground and space-based communication systems. Free-falling …
Characterization of GSAT-14 satellite Ka-band microwave signal attenuation due to precipitation over a tropical coastal station in the southern peninsular region of the …
This paper focuses on study of attenuation of microwave propagation at Ka-band
frequencies due to precipitation over an Indian Tropical station, Thiruvananthapuram (8.5° …
frequencies due to precipitation over an Indian Tropical station, Thiruvananthapuram (8.5° …
Optimized rain drop size distribution model for microwave propagation for equatorial Africa
In radio propagation, modelling of rainfall rate, rain attenuation and drop size distribution is
highly location-dependent and thus requires availability of reliable data from various …
highly location-dependent and thus requires availability of reliable data from various …