Building information modelling and green buildings: challenges and opportunities
The advent of building information modelling (BIM) is revolutionising the conventional
practices of the construction industry and has reinforced the impact of the design process on …
practices of the construction industry and has reinforced the impact of the design process on …
Formulating project-level building information modeling evaluation framework from the perspectives of organizations: A review
Abstract This study identifies Building Information Modeling (BIM) benefits in the
presentations of previous project participants and specialties. Based on recent data, a …
presentations of previous project participants and specialties. Based on recent data, a …
Building information modelling (BIM) and the return on investment: a systematic analysis
Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify and analyse the key measurable returning
factors, value drivers and strategic benefits associated with building information modelling …
factors, value drivers and strategic benefits associated with building information modelling …
Visualization, information modeling, and simulation: Grand challenges in the construction industry
With the rapid advancement of sensing and computing technology and the wide adoption of
mobile computing, the construction industry has faced a rise in the amount of information …
mobile computing, the construction industry has faced a rise in the amount of information …
Diffusion of building information modeling functions in the construction industry
While advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) have enabled
architects, engineers, and contractors to reduce project time and cost and to improve quality …
architects, engineers, and contractors to reduce project time and cost and to improve quality …
Evaluating the impact of building information modeling on project performance
There is growing interest among practitioners to measure the benefits of Building Information
Modeling (BIM) and demonstrate the impact that BIM has on projects. In recent years …
Modeling (BIM) and demonstrate the impact that BIM has on projects. In recent years …
Determining building information modeling effectiveness
Abstract Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a promising development that can address
the inherited inefficiencies in construction. This research aims to develop a framework for …
the inherited inefficiencies in construction. This research aims to develop a framework for …
Near-miss information visualization tool in BIM for construction safety
Although the number of fatalities experienced by the US construction industry has been
declining, the magnitude of the decrease has stagnated in recent years. Several …
declining, the magnitude of the decrease has stagnated in recent years. Several …
A neural network approach to predicting the net costs associated with BIM adoption
A neural network approach is proposed to estimate the costs and benefits associated with
implementing Building Information Modelling (BIM) at firms. This includes specifying the BIM …
implementing Building Information Modelling (BIM) at firms. This includes specifying the BIM …
Benefits of terrestrial laser scanning for construction QA/QC: A time and cost analysis
Upon the completion of construction projects, quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) must
be conducted to guarantee the project quality complies with certain standards. The …
be conducted to guarantee the project quality complies with certain standards. The …