Pollution status of Pakistan: a retrospective review on heavy metal contamination of water, soil, and vegetables
Trace heavy metals, such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, chromium, nickel, and mercury, are
important environmental pollutants, particularly in areas with high anthropogenic pressure …
important environmental pollutants, particularly in areas with high anthropogenic pressure …
Impacts of atrazine in aquatic ecosystems
A portion of all herbicides applied to forests, croplands, road sides, and gardens are
inevitably lost to water bodies either directly through runoff or indirectly by leaching through …
inevitably lost to water bodies either directly through runoff or indirectly by leaching through …
[KNIHA][B] Handbook of beta distribution and its applications
AK Gupta, S Nadarajah - 2004 - taylorfrancis.com
A milestone in the published literature on the subject, this first-ever Handbook of Beta
Distribution and Its Applications clearly enumerates the properties of beta distributions and …
Distribution and Its Applications clearly enumerates the properties of beta distributions and …
Dissolved phosphorus from undisturbed soil cores: Related to adsorption strength, flow rate, or soil structure?
While the rapid transport of nonadsorbed chemicals is relatively well understood,
preferential transport of adsorbable chemicals including P requires further study. Our …
preferential transport of adsorbable chemicals including P requires further study. Our …
[PDF][PDF] Accumulation of heavy metals by lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) irrigated with different levels of wastewater of Quetta city
AKK Achakzai, ZA Bazai, SA Kayani - Pak. J. Bot, 2011 - pakbs.org
Heavy metal contamination of soils resulting from irrigation by wastewater is causing major
concern due to the potential health risk involved. This study was therefore designed to …
concern due to the potential health risk involved. This study was therefore designed to …
Large near-surface nitrate pools in soils capped by desert pavement in the Mojave Desert, California
RC Graham, DR Hirmas, YA Wood… - Geology, 2008 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
We found exceptionally high nitrate levels (up to 12,750 kg ha− 1) at shallow depths (≤ 1 m)
in soils mantled by desert pavement, a common land-surface feature in arid regions. Nearby …
in soils mantled by desert pavement, a common land-surface feature in arid regions. Nearby …
[PDF][PDF] Effects of nickel toxicity on various organs of the Swiss albino mice
Nickel was discovered by AF Cronstedt in 1754 and is a bountiful metal in the Earth's
outside layer, it is the 24th most plentiful element and 28th component of the periodic table. It …
outside layer, it is the 24th most plentiful element and 28th component of the periodic table. It …
Finite element modeling of contaminant transport in soils including the effect of chemical reactions
AA Javadi, MM Al-Najjar - Journal of hazardous materials, 2007 - Elsevier
The movement of chemicals through soils to the groundwater is a major cause of
degradation of water resources. In many cases, serious human and stock health implications …
degradation of water resources. In many cases, serious human and stock health implications …
Reuse of wastewater in Mediterranean region, Egyptian experience
NM Loutfy - Waste water treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean …, 2011 - Springer
Water scarcity in the Mediterranean region is one of the most serious issues. A number of
reasons are behind this situation, which include, but are not restricted to, the relatively …
reasons are behind this situation, which include, but are not restricted to, the relatively …
[PDF][PDF] Assessment of heavy metals in waste-water irrigated lettuce in Ghana: The case of tamale municipality
An assessment of some heavy metals concentrations in lettuce in irrigated with waste water
in Tamale Metropolis in Ghana has been carried out. Analysis of water and lettuce samples …
in Tamale Metropolis in Ghana has been carried out. Analysis of water and lettuce samples …