Leaving no one behind? Social inclusion of health insurance in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review
SGM van Hees, T O'Fallon, M Hofker, M Dekker… - International journal for …, 2019 - Springer
Background One way to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) in low-and middle-
income countries (LMIC) is the implementation of health insurance schemes. A robust and …
income countries (LMIC) is the implementation of health insurance schemes. A robust and …
Contextual and individual inequalities of multimorbidity in Brazilian adults: a cross-sectional national-based study
Objectives The study aims to evaluate the magnitude of multimorbidity in Brazilian adults, as
well to measure their association with individual and contextual factors stratified by Brazilian …
well to measure their association with individual and contextual factors stratified by Brazilian …
Strategies to increase access to outpatient physiotherapy services: a sco** review
Purpose: Multiple Canadian jurisdictions have curtailed public funding for outpatient
physiotherapy services, impacting access and potentially creating or worsening inequities in …
physiotherapy services, impacting access and potentially creating or worsening inequities in …
The association between chronic disease and depression in middle-aged and elderly people: the moderating effect of health insurance and health service quality
D Li, M Su, X Guo, B Liu, T Zhang - Frontiers in Public Health, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Background Depression in chronic disease patients was an important public health problem.
However, limited work has been done on how to alleviate the depression of chronic disease …
However, limited work has been done on how to alleviate the depression of chronic disease …
[KNYGA][B] La salud en Colombia: pasado, presente y futuro de un sistema en crisis
CM Vélez - 2016 - books.google.com
La salud en Colombia es un ensayo que permite comprender cómo es el sistema
colombiano, cómo se estructuró a partir de la Ley 100, sus falencias, y qué lo ha convertido …
colombiano, cómo se estructuró a partir de la Ley 100, sus falencias, y qué lo ha convertido …
Understanding the use and impact of allied health services for people with chronic health conditions in Central and Eastern Sydney, Australia: a five-year longitudinal …
Aim: To describe the characteristics of people in Central and Eastern Sydney (CES), NSW,
who had a General Practice Management Plan (GPMP) and claimed for at least one private …
who had a General Practice Management Plan (GPMP) and claimed for at least one private …
Determinan Keberhasilan Pengobatan Pasien Tuberkulosis di Kota Denpasar Tahun 2021
Tuberculosis (TB) is the top 10 causes of death in the world and the success rate of TB
treatment has not yet reached the 85% success target. Indonesia is one of the countries with …
treatment has not yet reached the 85% success target. Indonesia is one of the countries with …
Enhancing equitable access to assistive technologies in Canada: Insights from citizens and stakeholders
The need for assistive technologies in Canada is increasing, but access is inconsistent and
fragmented which can result in unmet needs. We aimed to identify citizens' values and …
fragmented which can result in unmet needs. We aimed to identify citizens' values and …
[PDF][PDF] Factors associated to the enrollment in health insurance: an experience from selected districts of Nepal
Abstract The enrollment in Health Insurance (HI) is considered as a sustainable way of
financing for health and preparedness for catastrophic health care cost during receiving …
financing for health and preparedness for catastrophic health care cost during receiving …
Physical function and mental health in trauma intensive care patients: a 2-year cohort study
Objectives: This study was designed to examine changes in function over time after injury
and to identify factors associated with long-term recovery that may be amenable to change …
and to identify factors associated with long-term recovery that may be amenable to change …