[HTML][HTML] Determinants of sleep quality in college students: A literature review
F Wang, É Bíró - Explore, 2021 - Elsevier
Purpose To review the various determinants of sleep quality among college students.
Methods The PubMed, Web of Science and Cochrane Library databases were searched …
Methods The PubMed, Web of Science and Cochrane Library databases were searched …
Sleep and physical activity in university students: A systematic review and meta-analysis
University students have low levels of physical activity and report disturbances to sleep,
which are independently associated with poor health outcomes. Some research suggests …
which are independently associated with poor health outcomes. Some research suggests …
Can high schools be an effective setting to promote healthy lifestyles? Effects of a multiple behavior change intervention in adolescents
Purpose The main aim was to examine the effects of a school-based intervention on multiple
health behaviors in adolescents, such as 24-hour movement behaviors (ie, physical activity …
health behaviors in adolescents, such as 24-hour movement behaviors (ie, physical activity …
Midday nap** in children: associations between nap frequency and duration across cognitive, positive psychological well-being, behavioral, and metabolic health …
Abstract Study Objectives Poor sleep and daytime sleepiness in children and adolescents
have short-and long-term consequences on various aspects of health. Midday nap** may …
have short-and long-term consequences on various aspects of health. Midday nap** may …
Effects of anxiety and sleep on academic engagement among university students
Objective Poor sleep quality resulting from experiencing anxiety, and low adherence to
sleep hygiene behaviours, may lead to poorer academic engagement. The aim of the …
sleep hygiene behaviours, may lead to poorer academic engagement. The aim of the …
Sleep regularity is associated with sleep-wake and circadian timing, and mediates daytime function in delayed sleep-wake phase disorder
Background In healthy populations, irregular sleep patterns are associated with delayed
sleep and poor functional/mood outcomes. Currently, it is unknown whether irregular sleep …
sleep and poor functional/mood outcomes. Currently, it is unknown whether irregular sleep …
Daily relations between nap occurrence, duration, and timing and nocturnal sleep patterns in college students
Abstract Objective/Design Sleep patterns change during college, and students may nap to
compensate for lost sleep. Despite the increased prevalence of nap** among students …
compensate for lost sleep. Despite the increased prevalence of nap** among students …
[HTML][HTML] Impact of online classes, screen time, naps on sleep, and assessment of sleep-related problems in medical college students during lockdown due to …
R Khare, J Mahour, R Ohary, S Kumar - National Journal of …, 2021 - mail.njppp.com
Background: The blue light emitted from the screens of smartphones, tablets, and laptops
(short wavelengths enriched devices) is known to suppress/delays endogenous circadian …
(short wavelengths enriched devices) is known to suppress/delays endogenous circadian …
Poor sleep quality during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions associated with reduced psychological wellbeing in healthcare students
T D'orsogna, SL Halson, R Oehmen - Chronobiology International, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Sleep is inexorably linked to both physiological and psychological wellbeing. Restrictions
imposed to control the COVID-19 pandemic likely impacted upon daily and weekly routines …
imposed to control the COVID-19 pandemic likely impacted upon daily and weekly routines …
Social psychological predictors of sleep hygiene behaviors in Australian and Hong Kong university students
Background Sleep hygiene behaviors in undergraduate students are associated with night-
time sleep duration and quality, daytime sleepiness, and psychological distress. This study …
time sleep duration and quality, daytime sleepiness, and psychological distress. This study …